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Quick question before I head to bed:

Is it possible to retrieve a file from a remote server via a PHP script?
For example, lets say there's a log file on a remote server that you want to retrieve each day,
sort the log files contents, then dump the info into a MySQL database.

I guess the required steps would be:

1.) Connect to the remote server. Possibly a Windows share.
2.) Suppy the login credentials.
3.) Download the file from the remote server.
4.) Chop-up the file however you wish.
5.) Write info to database.

If it's possible, please point me to the appropriate functions and/or suppy advice on how to make
PHP do this.

Thank you for your time,

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Possible, yes.





Of course, you'll need to write it to a file, but you can unlink the file after you're done. Or just let it be overwritten each time. You can also create a file, connect to ftp, download file, write to that file, close ftp, then unlink the file after writting to a db. There are a few other functions needed, but those are a good portion of the ones that you can use. You can also read a file into an array using file();

First off, my system specs:
-Ubuntu 6 server
-LAMP installation

Why doesn't this code work?



//Connect to a Windows share and download a file.

$ch = curl_init("file://\\\\\\d$\\test.txt");

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "me:pass1");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);

$results = curl_exec($ch);
$error = curl_error($ch);





The only piece of documentation I could find about using the curl file:// function is located here:

I checked the log files on the Windows server and I do not see any failed logon attempts.

Thank you for your time,


Some updates:

The following PHP script appears to not fully execute...


//Connect to a Windows share and download a file.

$results = shell_exec("smbclient //$ -U me mypasswd ; get test.txt /home/me/test.txt ; quit");

echo "<div>$results</div>";


...I checked the Windows logs and the script is connecting then immediately disconnecting and not transferring text.txt.  I think "; get test.txt /home/me/test.txt ; quit" is not being executed.  Why?

I can however issue the smbclient commands manually at the command line, one command at a time, and successfully transfer test.txt.

So next I figured I'd try writing a shell script then executing the shell script in PHP...

Contents of shell script:

#Test script

smbclient //$ -U me mypasswd && get test.txt /home/me/test.txt && quit[/code]

Contents of php script:


//Connect to a Windows share and download a file.

$results = shell_exec("sh shell");

echo "<div>$results</div>";


...I checked the Windows logs and the script is connecting then immediately disconnecting and not transferring text.txt.  Again, I think "&& get test.txt /home/me/test.txt && quit" is not being executed.  Why?


The following command executes successfully at a command line:

[code]smbclient //$ -U me mypasswd -c 'get test.txt' /home/me/test.txt[/code]

However the following PHP code fails and returns error "Error opening local file test.txt":

<?php //Connect to a Windows share and download a file.

$results = shell_exec("smbclient //$ -U me mypasswd -c 'get test.txt' /home/me/test.txt");

echo "<div>$results</div>";

Any suggestions? Thanks,

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