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I'm going to post two scripts my login.php and my register.php


problem is i'm always getting usernamepassword don't match i think something to do with md5 but can't figure out where... or why?




$login = $_POST['login'];

$password = $_POST['password'];

if ($login&&$password)

$connect = mysql_connect("localhost","heaven","jefF0614") or die ("could not connect to server");

mysql_select_db("heaven_users") or die ("could not find database");

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members WHERE username='$login'");

$numrows = mysql_num_rows($query);



while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))


$dbusername = $row['username'];

$dbpassword = $row['password'];


// check to see if they match



echo "Your In <a href='member.php'>click here to go to the member page</a>";

//start session




echo "Incorrect Password/Username Combination";



die("That username dose not exist");



die ("Please enter a username and password");



and register.php


//check for submit

$submit =$_POST['submit'];

//gather POST variable

$fullname =strip_tags($_POST['fullname']);

$email =strip_tags($_POST['email']);

$username =strip_tags($_POST['username']);

$password =strip_tags($_POST['password']);

$password2 =strip_tags($_POST['password2']);

if ($submit) 


//check that fields were filled in

if ($fullname&&$email&&$username&&$password&&$password2)


//check to see if our two password fields match	

if ($password==$password2) 

$password = md5($password);
// register the user

//open database
$connect = mysql_connect("localhost", "heaven", "jefF0614");

//begine insert
$queryreg = mysql_query("INSERT INTO members VALUES ('','$fullname','$email','$username','$password')");

if ($queryreg) {

echo "Thanks, For Registering! Click <a href=\"index.php\">HERE</a>To Login!";



//otherwise if passwords don't match

else {

echo "<font color='red'>The passwords you entered do not match</font>";

//end of checking password	
else {

echo "<font color='red'>Please enter all fields!</font>";

//end check for submit 


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Your login.php script isn't md5'ing the password when you compare the values retrieved from the database.  You're comparing the actual password with the md5 password stored in the database.  In any case, a better way of retrieving a result from the database would be to include the md5'ed password in the query and only return a single result.  If no results are returned, the user/pass combo didn't work.

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Hi there,


The below should fix it

# Start Session
session_start ();

# Get user's inputs
$login = $_POST ['login'];
$password = md5 ( $_POST ['password'] );

# Do we have all required info?
if ($login && $password) {
$connect = mysql_connect ( "localhost", "heaven", "jefF0614" ) or die ( "could not connect to server" );
mysql_select_db ( "heaven_users" ) or die ( "could not find database" );
$query = mysql_query ( "SELECT * FROM members WHERE username='$login'" );
$numrows = mysql_num_rows ( $query );

if ($numrows != 0) {
	while ( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc ( $query ) ) {
		$dbusername = $row ['username'];
		$dbpassword = $row ['password'];

	// check to see if they match
	if ($login == $dbusername && $password == $dbpassword) {
		echo "Your In <a href='member.php'>click here to go to the member page</a>";
		//start session
		$_SESSION ['username'] = $login;
	} else {

		echo "Incorrect Password/Username Combination";

else {

	die ( "That username dose not exist" );

else {

die ( "Please enter a username and password" );


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What is the type of the password column in you database table. It looks like the rest of the value is trimmed because the length of the password column is not enough.  make sure that the length of the password column is 32 if you want to use the MD5

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