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local host vs. ip + port problem/ long load times

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Hello i recently installed Easyphp, it seemed to work perfect, server is up , mysql is up , i can right click the tray icon and get to my local web files and it opens simple php code no problem when u take that route.



But, i am having a few problems that at this point im tearing my hair out about, ive been trying to figure it out for 3 hours non stop.


The first problem is typing in "localhost" alone does not work , what dose work for getting to my directory is typing in ""  after trying to figure this out for a hour i discovered  "localhost dose work for getting to the directory if i type in the 8888 port.


i know ur prob saying, so what?just type the port in, not a big deal but, theirs more typing the port gets me to the directory of my files but, when i try to load a file that dose a simple process like connecting to mysql database it takes MINUTES to load and usually doesn't work by typing localhost/thefile.php at all . My best load times are when i right click and open in browser directly but, even that takes a while sometimes.



Im guessing it has something to do with easyPHP requiring that port , if anyone has a solution i will be forever grateful.


attached is my error log from Apache, i dont know if it will do much good since my server is working , just really slow but, i fig it might be helpful.

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