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Memory consumption - difference between three machines


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I have three "servers". 2 machines with 64-bit dual processor, 12 cores, 24 threads at 2.80GHz each. 8 gigs of memory each and a bunch of disks. 3 SATA 10,000k disks in raid 1 with hot spare each. We'll call these two "production"


I have a third machine P4 2.40GHz with 500 megabytes of memory and a 8gig ide disk. We'll call this one "development"


Both are running php5 under lighttpd fast cgi and APC.


Here's the mystery, both have exactly the same code ( synched with svn ). On the production machines, the reference page takes 16megabytes of memory. On the development machine, the same reference page takes 8 megabytes.


I have run the test several times. I am using the same database ( mysqldump ) on both machines. Why are the production machines taking twice as much memory as the development machine ?


Production machines are running cracklib mod and 3rd machine is running xdebug. I disabled both so they'd be the same. Still have the difference.


I did an phpinfo() on both machines. The differences were with the xdebug and cracklib libraries ( which I reenabled before the phpinfo()), server name, IP.


I disabled apc cache on both machines, thinking this was my problem, the memory consomption stays the same.


What is causing such a big difference in memory consomption? Is there a cachegrind for memory usage ? Any ideas where to look?


Ubuntu 10.04 LTS is the O/S





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Are both machines using a 64-bit OS?  If your production is 64-bit and your dev is 32-bit, that would do it.


Having a 64-bit OS would cause PHP's memory consomption to double?!??!


  And you're checking your memory usage with memory_get_peak_usage()?


I was using memory_get_usage() not memory_get_peak_usage(). On both machines the difference is about 200,000 bytes ( between memory_get_usage and memory_get_peak_usage ). The production ( 64bit ) machines use about 15 megabytes and the development ( 32bit ) machine is at about 8.5 megabytes.


I am convinced there is something else going on, it does not make sense to me that there is such a large difference in memory consomption.



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