Sangsom Posted December 21, 2010 Share Posted December 21, 2010 Hello please help me with to resolve problem.. I'm new in php/mysql so I don't understand much.. so the problem is I have to change in "Supercali calendar" that the year view start showing days from Mondays.. Here is a code from module "year.php" : <?php /* <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <module> <name>Year View</name> <author>Chris McDonald</author> <url></url> <version>1.0.0</version> <link_name>Year</link_name> <description>Shows an entire year on one screen. Each event is shown as a 10x10 pixel box. Mouse over to see title.</description> <image></image> <install_script></install_script> </module> Year View - Created by Chris McDonald */ function showGrid($date) { global $title, $niceday, $start_time, $end_time, $venue, $city, $state, $cat, $color, $background, $ed, $usr, $o, $c, $m, $a, $y, $w, $lang; if ($start_time[$date]) { ksort($start_time[$date]); while (list($t) = each($start_time[$date])) { while (list($id,$value) = each($start_time[$date][$t])) { echo "<div class=\"button\" style=\""; if ($color[$id]) echo " color: ".$color[$id]."; background: ".$background[$id].";"; echo "\">"; echo "<a href=\"show_event.php?id=".$id."&o=".$o."&c=".$c."&m=".$m."&a=".$a."&y=".$y."&w=".$w."\" onClick=\"openPic('show_event.php?id=".$id."&size=small','pop','600','400'); window.newWindow.focus(); return false\">"; echo "<div style=\"background: ".$color[$id].";\" title=\""; echo $value; if ($end_time[$date][$t][$id]) echo " - ".$end_time[$date][$t][$id]; echo " - "; echo $title[$id]; if ($venue[$id]) { echo " - ".$venue[$id]; if ($city[$id]) { echo " - ".$city[$id]; if ($state[$id]) echo ", ".$state[$id]; } } echo "\"> </div></a></div>"; } } } } function showYear ($calyear) { global $week_titles_ss, $o, $m, $a, $y, $w, $c, $next, $prev, $lm, $la, $le; echo '<table width="100%" class="grid""><tr>'; echo '<th colspan="4" class="cal_top"><a href="',$PHP_SELF,'?o=',$o,'&w=',$w,'&c=',$c,'&m=',$m,'&a=1&y=',$prev['year']['y'],'"><</a> ',$calyear,' <a href="',$PHP_SELF,'?o=',$o,'&w=',$w,'&c=',$c,'&m=',$m,'&a=1&y=',$next['year']['y'],'">></a></th></tr>'; $calmonth = 0; for($p=0;$p<3;$p++){ echo '<tr>'; for($q=0;$q<4;$q++){ $calmonth++; echo '<td width="25%" class="holder">'; /* determine total number of days in a month */ $calday = 0; $totaldays = 0; while ( checkdate( $calmonth, $totaldays + 1, $calyear ) ) $totaldays++; /* build table */ echo '<table width="100%" class="grid"><tr>'; echo '<th colspan="7" class="cal_top_s"><a href="index.php?o=',$lm,'&w=',$w,'&c=',$c,'&m=',$calmonth,'&a=1&y=',$calyear,'">',date('F', mktime(0,0,0,$calmonth,1,$calyear)),'</a></th></tr><tr>'; for ( $x = 0; $x < 7; $x++ ) echo '<th>', $week_titles_ss[ $x ], '</th>'; /* ensure that a number of blanks are put in so that the first day of the month lines up with the proper day of the week */ $off = date( "w", mktime( 0, 0, 0, $calmonth, $calday, $calyear ) ); $offset = $off + 1; echo '</tr><tr>'; if ($offset > 6) $offset = 0; for ($t=0; $t < $offset; $t++) { if ($t == 0) { $offyear = date( "Y", mktime( 0, 0, 0, $calmonth, $calday-$off, $calyear ) ); $offmonth = date( "m", mktime( 0, 0, 0, $calmonth, $calday-$off, $calyear ) ); $offday = date( "d", mktime( 0, 0, 0, $calmonth, $calday-$off, $calyear ) ); echo '<td class="day"><div class="week"><a href="index.php?o=',$le,'&w=',$w,'&c=',$c,'&m=',$offmonth,'&a=',$offday,'&y=',$offyear,'">week</a></div></td>'; } else { echo '<td class="day"> </td>'; } } /* start entering in the information */ for ( $d = 1; $d <= $totaldays; $d++ ) { if (($d == date(j)) && ($calmonth == date(m)) && ($calyear == date(Y))) { echo '<td class="day" id="today"><div class="day_of_month_s"><a href="index.php?o=',$la,'&w=',$w,'&c=',$c,'&m=',$calmonth,'&a=',$d,'&y=',$calyear,'">', $d, '</a></div>'; } else { echo '<TD class="day"><div class="day_of_month_s"><a href="index.php?o=',$la,'&w=',$w,'&c=',$c,'&m=',$calmonth,'&a=',$d,'&y=',$calyear,'">', $d, '</a></div>'; if ($offset == 0) echo '<div class="week"><a href="index.php?o=',$le,'&w=',$w,'&c=',$c,'&m=',$calmonth,'&a=',$d,'&y=',$calyear,'">week</a></div>'; } /* correct date format */ $coredate = date( "Ymd", mktime( 0, 0, 0, $calmonth, $d, $calyear ) ); showGrid($coredate); echo "</td>"; $offset++; /* if we're on the last day of the week, wrap to the other side */ if ( $offset > 6 ) { $offset = 0; echo '</tr>'; if ( $day < $totaldays ) echo '<tr>'; } } /* fill in the remaining spaces for the end of the month, just to make it look pretty */ if ( $offset > 0 ) $offset = 7 - $offset; for ($t=0; $t < $offset; $t++) { echo "<td> </td>"; } /* end the table */ echo '</tr></table>'; echo '</td>'; } echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } include "includes/header.php"; grab($y."-01-01",$y."-12-31",$c); showYear($y); include "includes/footer.php"; ?> Thank you.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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