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Need help with a (simple) script with SMS


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Sorry, I've no idea where to place this topic.


Excuse me for my bad English.




First of all, I've 0,01 knowlegde of PHP. I only know the basic of basicness. Excuse me for that.


I would like to set-up a simple script which does the following:


On a website is a numerically value (0,00).

Once a SMS has been sended, the SMS-system will request for an URL. That request will take care of raising the value on the website with a X value (e.g. 0,01).


How should I handle this?


I hope it's clear what I mean.

Thanks a lot.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its hard to say without knowing specifics of your SMS system.

Typically, we use the mail() for our in-house projects (0000000000@vtext.com). If you're using a commercial SMS gateway, it really depends on how the program works. I don't have much experience with them.


To handle incrementing a value that's stored in the database, I'd probably set up a "listener" script that uses a GET request to increment the number.


(pseudocode)... SMS gateway visits "listener.php?val=inc"


if($val == "inc"){
$sql = mysql_query("SELECT value FROM database");
$sql ++;
$result = mysql_query("UPDATE value IN database");
//Do nothing, invalid 'val' value.







Again, I have no idea what your SMS gateway supports.... this is just a general idea from what I've used with other listener scripts.

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