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Been trying to find an answer and keep running around in circles...

I have: ( left test echos in there)

        if ($r['left_house_number'] != '') {
            /* Now see what they are supposed to get */
            $left_customer_query = "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE house_number ='".$r['left_house_number']."' AND street = '".$r['left_house_street']."' AND route_number = '".$_SESSION['route_number']."'";
// echo "SELECT * FROM customer WHERE house_number ='".$r['left_house_number']."' AND street = '".$r['left_house_street']."' AND route_number = '".$_SESSION['route_number']."'";
            $left_customer_result = mysql_query($left_customer_query) or die(mysql_error());
                $left_customer_result_count = mysql_num_rows($left_customer_result);
echo $r['left_house_number'].' =lhn1';
            while ($lrow = mysql_fetch_array($left_customer_result)) {
echo $r['left_house_number'].' =lhn2';
                /* See if there is any customer if not display blank row */
echo $left_customer_result_count.' = count ';
                if ($left_customer_result_count < 1) {
echo $r['left_house_number'].' =lhn3';
                    echo '<span class="delivery_nothing">'.$r['left_house_number'].' </span> 1<span class="delivery_nothing">'.$r['left_house_street'].' ';
                } else {
                    /* Have a customer, now check to see if they are supposed to get something */
                    if ($lrow['status'] != "AC" && $lrow['status'] != "VH") {
                        /* Customer is stopped or on vacation so show house number and street not bolded */
                        echo '<span class="delivery_nothing">'.$r['left_house_number'].'</span>2<span class="delivery_nothing">'.$r['left_house_street'];
echo $r['left_house_number'].' =lhn4';
                    } else {
                        /* Now check for correct delivery day and return data */
                        if (Show_Product($lrow['product']) == '1') {
echo $r['left_house_number'].' =lhn5';
                            echo '<span class="delivery_bold">'.$lrow['house_number'].'</span><span class="delivery_bold">'.$lrow['placement'].'</span><span class="delivery_bold">'.$lrow['street'].'</span>';
                            echo Product_Formater($lrow['product']);

I have tried...

if ($left_customer_result_count < 1) {

if ($left_customer_result_count == 0) {

if ($left_customer_result_count == '') {

if ($left_customer_result_count === 0) {


And I can't get it to work.

the count "test echo" is either blank or 1


If I echo the sql statement with values I know aren't in the db and paste it into phpmyadmin:

SELECT * FROM customer WHERE house_number = '3333' AND street = 'Chili Avenue' AND route_number = '68-24-630'


I get:

"MySQL returned an empty result set"


And if I change it to something that is in the db:

SELECT * FROM customer WHERE house_number = '3019' AND street = 'Chili Avenue' AND route_number = '68-24-630'


I get:

"Showing rows 0 - 0 (1 total, Query took 0.0012 sec)"



So what do I have to do to get this to work right?

What does it actually output when there are no results returned?


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If there are zero rows in the result set, mysql_fetch_array($left_customer_result) will be false and the code inside your while(){} loop will be skipped over. The code you have inside your while(){} loop that is testing or displaying $left_customer_result_count won't ever be executed.


You would want to test $left_customer_result_count before the start of your while(){} loop.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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