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Hi there


I'm a newbie to all of this so please be gentle!


I am starting up my own online business and I am feeling my way through PHP.  I have been doing ok so far but I'm having problems with the "change your password" function.  I change the password, I receive a reactivation email, but when I try to log in with the new password it hasnt changed. 


Code I'm using as follows:



// process.php

include 'config.php';


$current = trim($_POST['current']);
$new = trim($_POST['new']);
$confirm = trim($_POST['confirm']);

$pw = md5($current);

$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Password = '$pw' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());

if(mysql_num_rows($query) > 0)

	while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query))

		if ( $_POST['new'] == $_POST['confirm'] )

			echo '<script>alert("Your passwords were not the same, please enter the same password in each field.");</script>';
			echo '<script>history.back(1);</script>';


		$password = md5($new);

		$do = mysql_query("UPDATE Users SET Password = '$password' WHERE Password = '$pw' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
		$dotwo = mysql_query("UPDATE Users SET Activated = 0 WHERE Password = '$password' LIMIT 1") or die(mysql_error());
		$send = mail($row['Email'] , "Password changed" , "Your password has been changed to: ".trim($_POST['new'])."\n\nYou can change it again via the members only panel, but first you must re-activate your account:\nhttp://www.infinite-monkey.co.uk/activate.php?id=".$row['Actkey']."\n\nDo not reply to this email, it is automated. Thanks." , "From: [email protected]");


			echo '<script>alert("Password changed. You will now be logged out and you must re-activate your account, check your email, a confirmation email has been sent.");</script>';
			echo '<script>location.replace("logout.php");</script>';


		} else {

			echo '<script>alert("There appears to have been an error in the script. 1 or 2 of 3 things may have happened:\n\n• Your password could have been reset/changed\n• Your account could have been deactivated, see the resend validation email page\n• Your email may not have been sent.\n\nYou will now be logged out, if you are not able to login, reset your password using the form, or resend the validation email to activate your account again.\n\nWe are sorry for the inconvenience.");</script>';
			echo '<script>location.replace("logout.php");</script>';




} else {

	echo '<script>alert("Incorrect password.");</script>';
	echo '<script>history.back(1);</script>';

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How does a user get to this page? If you can verify the users identity, their userID from the database based on however they're logged in, sessions, cookies what have you, then you can update the password in the row pertaining to that specific user.

Yeah I confess I grabbed the code from a tutorial.  Is that bad?  I'm really trying to understand it as I go, but I also want to get my site up and running as quickly as I can.


User gets to this page after they log in.  They are directed to a "members only" area which is a control panel which allows them to change their password.

Change your query to search based on both username and pw, not just pw.

Change your update the same way.  Try it and post the code you try and we'll help you.


BTW, that sounds like a bad tutorial if that's what they proposed.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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