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MySQL Query from DB -> Hyperlink to show record

Tom Read

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Hi. I'm fairly new to PHP/MySQL so bare with me!


I have a database in place with team names and players in. Each record has an auto-incrementing ID, a team name, and 5 player names. I have selected all the information from the table and have displayed the team names in a while loop, so it ticks through and displays them all ($row['Team_Name'];).


Basically, what I can't work out to do is how to make the team names hyperlinks, so that clicking on them goes to a new page where it lists their players. I tried <a href = "$row['Team_Name']"> . $row['Team_Name']; . <?a>, but I think it's a bit more complex than that as that doesn't work!


Sorry if some of my syntaxing above is wrong - I'm on a college computer and my code is on my laptop so some stuff above is wrong, but I dare say you'll know exactly what I mean!



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It's pretty easy, you just have to make a new php script to link to.

For example the page that displays the list of teams might be index.php

And the one that displays the team players might be team.php

That way you can link like

echo '<a href = "team.php?team='.$row['Team_Name'].'"> . $row['Team_Name'] . </a>

That way the team name is passed to the team.php script via the get method, (notice the ?team= at the end)

Then in the next page you can select the row that has that teams details.

use this: http://pastebin.com/N8iUViEj as an example.

I have to go so I can't write the whole thing for you.

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