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Need exact input on how to set/change PHP.ini registry on windows XP

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:-\Have been reading a few places about how to set php.ini file to be able to use MySQL on my Yahoo website.  But am also warned to avoid tampering needlessly with registry.  So I need an absolute precedure, with port 465, I also know.  Embarassing how long this has taken me to find some of this out!




I will check with Yahoo again, as you say.  But I always want to check in here for additional ideas.  So, if anyone has further suggestions on downloading MYSQL without restricting myself to Microsoft products, since my basic programs are in other languages, then this is the kind of knowledge that is NEW to me, instead of just the standard answers that Yahoo provides.  But this last answer is different than the kind of quality answers I expect from a forum, as if a simple hand flip means no one else then needs to provide a good answer.  Please, to everyone else, I still would appreciate more input, even if it insults me....

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