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Hello, I have the following code writting IP,session, and date to a text file (it works) but I want to add a white space after the IP address.

fwrite($fp, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].  $_SESSION["sess_name"].  " $dateTime\r\n");


At the moment it prints like this 2011/01/23 12:53:32


thanks in advance.

ok my bad,


this actually worked.

fwrite($fp, "{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}{$_SESSION["sess_name"]} {$dateTime}\r\n");


just had to add a space between {$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']} and {$_SESSION["sess_name"]}

Also i currently have


$fp = fopen('ip.txt', 'a');

where ip.txt is hosted in the same folder of server

What if i want to write to a file hosted in a different server ? http://domain.com/folder/ip.txt..etc


$fp = fopen('http://domain.com/folder/ip.txt', 'a');

work? tried but not writing with chmod 777



1. What would be the file permission of ip.txt?

2. Should I give same permission to the folder where ip.txt is?


You cannot write to a file using the http protocol.


The php.net fopen documentation page contains a link to a List of Supported Protocols/Wrappers that shows what you can and cannot do for each possible protocol.



Also i currently have


$fp = fopen('ip.txt', 'a');

where ip.txt is hosted in the same folder of server

What if i want to write to a file hosted in a different server ? http://domain.com/folder/ip.txt..etc


$fp = fopen('http://domain.com/folder/ip.txt', 'a');



Think about the security risks of what you are asking if it were that simple to allow someone to edit files on a remote server. A couple of options are you could create a process on the external server to accept requests to update that file or you could programatically download the file via FTP, modify it, then re-upload it via FTP again.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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