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Simplified description of a query


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Could anyone explain what this query is doing? And why the use of the sprintf function?


$query = sprintf("SELECT B.*, T.option_name, T.option_type, M.value_name FROM %1\$s_options_bot AS B LEFT JOIN %1\$s_options_mid AS M ON B.value_id = M.value_id, %1\$s_options_top AS T WHERE B.option_id = T.option_id AND B.product = %2\$d ORDER BY T.option_name, M.value_name ASC", $glob['dbprefix'], $_GET['productId']);


Kind regards,


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Can't tell you what the query is doing besides joining tables and selecting a couple columns, but sprintf is a native formating function for php. A lot of developers use it as a way to verify the input into a query.


Once you figure out what the tables contain, and what values the columns hold, the answer to your question should be more obvious. I however, have no idea what those tables contain.


I'll also give you another hint... when you're writing queries, or looking at them, I find it's MUCH easier to figure out what's going on if you format them a little so they're easier on the eyes like so:

$query = sprintf("
    FROM %1\$s_options_bot AS B 
    LEFT JOIN %1\$s_options_mid AS M 
    ON B.value_id = M.value_id, %1\$s_options_top AS T 
        B.option_id = T.option_id AND 
        B.product = %2\$d 
        M.value_name ASC", 


Using extra lines doesn't effect MySQL any, but it sure as hell makes it a lot easier to read for me.

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Sorry, mispoke... it looks like it's joining ONE table to itself. If I were you I would print off the values of these variables:



and look at that sprintf function page to see how it inserts them into the output.


OR you could just print off $query and find out the same thing.

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