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Extracting strings, almost there - regex noob


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I'm pulling data from a database that is horribly unorganized here is an example of a cell:

Med Given: Versed - 9:50 PM	Med Admin Route: Intravenous	Dosage: 20.00 MG
Med Given: Lidocaine - 9:50 PM	Med Admin Route: Intravenous	Dosage: 150.00 MG
Med Given: Succinylcholine - 9:50 PM	Med Admin Route: Intravenous	Dosage: 200.00 MG
Intervention: Spinal Immobilization - 9:48 PM not successful
Intervention: Spinal Immobilization - 9:48 PM not successful
Intervention: Venous Access-Extremity - 9:49 PM successful

I'm trying to pull in the Med Given names (ie Lidocaine), times, admin route (Intravenous) (if available - this is one of my issues), dosage and Intervention names, times and success with two regex preg_match_all functions, and I can some of the time (ie: all the above example works fine) here is an example of a string that wont work:

Med Given: Oxygen - 12:59 AM	Dosage: 15.00 L/MIN
Intervention: Splinting-Basic - 7:04 PM not successful

Here is my code:

preg_match_all("#Med Given: (.+) - ([0-9]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] (AM|am|aM|Am|PM|pm|pM|Pm))	Med Admin Route: (.+)	Dosage: (.+)\r#U",$row['Interventions'],$meds);
preg_match_all("#Intervention: (.+) - ([0-9]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] (AM|am|aM|Am|PM|pm|pM|Pm)) (.+)\r#U",$row['Interventions'],$procedures);

I believe my issue is the meds aren't being grabbed is there is no Admin route (which i want to be optional) and any time there is a hyphen (-), nothing gets returned.


Sorry if I just laid all of that out in an incredibly confusing and stupid way... thanks!

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Sorry for the second post, but for some reason I can't edit my previous post again!? Anyways, I was mistaken when i said that hyphens (-) cause the function to not return anything - first off I meant a hyphen in the name ie: Venous Access-Extremity, but for some reason that works in this string (in fact everything returns fine):

Med Given: Versed - 9:50 PM	Med Admin Route: Intravenous	Dosage: 20.00 MG
Med Given: Lidocaine - 9:50 PM	Med Admin Route: Intravenous	Dosage: 150.00 MG
Med Given: Succinylcholine - 9:50 PM	Med Admin Route: Intravenous	Dosage: 200.00 MG
Intervention: Spinal Immobilization - 9:48 PM not successful
Intervention: Spinal Immobilization - 9:48 PM not successful
Intervention: Venous Access-Extremity - 9:49 PM successful
Intervention: Venous Access-Extremity - 9:49 PM successful
Intervention: Airway-Nasal - 9:49 PM not successful
Intervention: Airway-Oral - 9:49 PM not successful
Intervention: Airway-Rapid Sequence Induction - 9:53 PM not successful
Intervention: Airway-King LT Blind Insertion Airway Device - 9:56 PM successful
Intervention: 12 Lead ECG - 9:52 PM successful
Intervention: 12 Lead ECG - 10:00 PM successful
Intervention: 12 Lead ECG - 10:08 PM successful
Intervention: 12 Lead ECG - 10:14 PM successful

But this string:

Med Given: Oxygen - 7:23 PM	Dosage: 2.00 L/MIN
Intervention: Wound Care - 7:00 PM not successful
Intervention: Venous Access-Extremity - 7:22 PM successful

Only returns "Wound Care" and not the other two items.. so I'm obviously completely confused.

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For the string that doesn't work, there is no "Med Admin Route" part for the first intervention (it's easy enough to make parts optional in regex, do a search) and likely no carriage return (\r) character at the end of the last one. That would explain only matching one of those three.

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Thanks for the suggestions, I removed the \r because I don't think I really needed it and I tried making the Admin route optional before, but I didn't take into account that there was an extra tab that came with it. My new patterns:

Number of Procedures: ".preg_match_all("#Intervention: (.+) - ([0-9]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] (AM|am|aM|Am|PM|pm|pM|Pm)) (.+)#U",$row['Interventions'],$procedures);
Number of Meds: ".preg_match_all("#Med Given: (.+) - ([0-9]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] (AM|am|aM|Am|PM|pm|pM|Pm))(	(Med Admin Route:) (.+?))?	Dosage: (.+)#U",$row['Interventions'],$meds);

Works for all of them but I have one minor complaint/question - Now I am getting "Med Admin Route: ..." added individually to the $meds array, is there any way I can prevent this?

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I started this post and then solved it before i had a chance to hit send, lol.  I case anyone cares here is the question:


Still having issues editing my posts... My last question isn't really a big deal, since I'm just going to be adding the values i want to a different array.  My problem now is that I'm having problems retrieving the full dosages for my meds.  Because I removing the carriage return at the end, it's only grabbing one character ie: "20.00 MG" becomes "2", when i add the carriage return (or \n) it returns the the full dosage but strips off last med (when there is only meds, not followed by anything).


The solution:


I added


to the end of my haystack so there was always a new line ie:

preg_match_all("#Med Given: (.+) - ([0-9]?[0-9]:[0-9][0-9] (AM|am|aM|Am|PM|pm|pM|Pm))(	(Med Admin Route:) (.+?))?	Dosage: (.+)\n#U",$row['Interventions']."\n",$meds);



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