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I posted this question before, but I got off topic on the previous thread and I ended up prematurely marking it solved (I hope this new thread is OK).


Example of the haystack:

Med Given: Versed - 9:50 PM	Med Admin Route: Intravenous	Dosage: 20.00 MG
Med Given: Lidocaine - 9:50 PM	Med Admin Route: Intravenous	Dosage: 150.00 MG
Med Given: Succinylcholine - 9:50 PM	Med Admin Route: Intravenous	Dosage: 200.00 MG
Med Given: Oxygen - 7:23 PM	Dosage: 2.00 L/MIN
Med Given: Vancomycin
Med Given: Fentanyl
Med Given: Dopamine
Med Given: Dextrose
Med Given: Gentamicin


As you cans see, sometimes there are times ( - H:MM AM/PM), sometimes "Med Admin Route: ..." and "Dosage: ...", I always want the name (Versed, Oxygen, etc) and if available - the time (H:MM AM/PM), route (Intravenous, Oral, etc) and dosage (20.00 MG, 2.00 L/MIN, etc) all stored in an array.  I've thought that I've had it in the past but when I throw a different haystack at it it fails...  Also note that it appears that sometimes there is a tab instead of a space between the variables like time-Admin or Admin-Dosage...



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// example haystack
$content = <<<BLAH
Med Given: Versed - 9:50 PM   Med Admin Route: Intravenous   Dosage: 20.00 MG
Med Given: Lidocaine - 9:50 PM   Med Admin Route: Intravenous   Dosage: 150.00 MG
Med Given: Succinylcholine - 9:50 PM   Med Admin Route: Intravenous   Dosage: 200.00 MG
Med Given: Oxygen - 7:23 PM   Dosage: 2.00 L/MIN
Med Given: Vancomycin
Med Given: Fentanyl
Med Given: Dopamine
Med Given: Dextrose
Med Given: Gentamicin

preg_match_all('~Med Given:\s+([^\s]+)(?:\s+-\s+(.*?(?:A|P)M))?(?:\s+Med Admin Route:\s+([^\s]+))?(?:\s+Dosage:\s+(.*))?~',$content,$matches);
$c = count($matches[0]);
for ($x=0;$x<$c;$x++) {
  $rows[$x]  =  array(
  'med'    => trim($matches[0][$x]),
  'time'   => trim($matches[1][$x]),
  'route'  => trim($matches[2][$x]),
  'dosage' => trim($matches[3][$x]));

// output		
echo "<pre>";



    [0] => Array
            [med] => Versed
            [time] => 9:50 PM
            [route] => Intravenous
            [dosage] => 20.00 MG

    [1] => Array
            [med] => Lidocaine
            [time] => 9:50 PM
            [route] => Intravenous
            [dosage] => 150.00 MG

    [2] => Array
            [med] => Succinylcholine
            [time] => 9:50 PM
            [route] => Intravenous
            [dosage] => 200.00 MG

    [3] => Array
            [med] => Oxygen
            [time] => 7:23 PM
            [route] => 
            [dosage] => 2.00 L/MIN

    [4] => Array
            [med] => Vancomycin
            [time] => 
            [route] => 
            [dosage] => 

    [5] => Array
            [med] => Fentanyl
            [time] => 
            [route] => 
            [dosage] => 

    [6] => Array
            [med] => Dopamine
            [time] => 
            [route] => 
            [dosage] => 

    [7] => Array
            [med] => Dextrose
            [time] => 
            [route] => 
            [dosage] => 

    [8] => Array
            [med] => Gentamicin
            [time] => 
            [route] => 
            [dosage] => 


Dude! You are a master! It almost works perfectly, but I forgot to mention that the name and admin route could actually be more than one word (sorry I didn't really take that into consideration myself).  I would try to alter the pattern you provided, but that is way over my head.

That works, but what if there was no time or other variables like:

Med Given: Versed - 9:50 PM	Med Admin Route: Intravenous	Dosage: 20.00 MG
Med Given: Lidocaine - 9:50 PM	Med Admin Route: Intravenous	Dosage: 150.00 MG
Med Given: Succinylcholine - 9:50 PM	Med Admin Route: Nasal prongs	Dosage: 200.00 MG
Med Given: Vancomycin	Med Admin Route: Oral	Dosage: 20.00 MG
Med Given: Fentanyl twowords
Med Given: Dopamine	Dosage: 200.00 MG
Med Given: Oxygen - 7:23 PM	Dosage: 2.00 L/MIN
Med Given: Dextrose	Med Admin Route: Intravenous
Med Given: Gentamicin

That is all of the possible combos I can think of. The thing is that I can't depend on really any one thing being present (except the constants when the variable is present ie: Med Given: or Dosage:)  I don't mean to pile on - I should have though all of this through more when posting my question, but I really appreciate the help.

You know what, screw the potential hyphens this is pretty damn good enough, if you don't mind accounting for potential hyphens then I would surely use the pattern, but you have already done so much.  Seriously, thank you so much, you have have been a massive help. You should have a donate button in your sig, lol.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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