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I am a fairly new php coder who is pretty much self-taught. I find myself not conforming to a lot of standard coding practices, and am working on fixing some bad habits I have...


Anyways, I decided to start my first big project and realized that there is no way I'm going to be able to complete it without support from other coders and a community to give me advice. I've seen this forum before on one of my first google searches about the php language. Soo, about an year later, here I am... Joining the forum... :)


Well, I'm kind of ... uhh.. out of things to say... -____-


Hello anyways!



Side Note: I am currently starting work on a text-based morpg based on php and mysql. I realize it will take javascript/AJAX/etc that I don't have much experience in, but hey, I'm here to learn right? If anyone here has every programmed a game before, please give me some tips!


I'm looking forward to meeting the rest of the community!

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