libero Posted February 24, 2011 Share Posted February 24, 2011 Hi, all, I have this script: (I`m sorry I`m putting it all here, but dont`t sure what`s important) <?php add_action('the_content','rpf_content_filter'); add_filter('wp_head', 'rpf_init'); $rpf_options = get_option('rpf_options'); function rpf_content_filter($content){ if(is_admin()) return $content; $id = get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'rpf_feed_id', true); if(!$id) return $content;//might be normal content global $rpf_options; if($rpf_options['word_limit'] >0 ) $content = rpf_truncate($content, $rpf_options['word_limit']); $sourcelink=get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), 'rpf_sourcepermalink', true); if($sourcelink) $link='<p>'.rpf_custom_template($sourcelink,$id).'</p>'; $content=$content.$link; return $content; } function rpf_custom_template($sourcelink,$feed_id){ global $rpf_options; $custom_template = $rpf_options['custom_template']; if( false === strpos($custom_template, '%SOURCE_URL%' ) ) $custom_template .= ' <a href="%SOURCE_URL%">%SOURCE_URL%</a> '; $feed = rpf_get_feed($feed_id); $user = get_userdata($feed['author']); $author = $user->nickname; $category = get_cat_name($feed['category']); $feed_url = $feed['url']; $feed_name = $feed['name']; $custom_template = str_replace( array('%SOURCE_URL%','%AUTHOR%','%CATEGORY%','%FEED_URL%','%FEED_NAME%'), array($sourcelink,$author,$category,$feed_url,$feed_name), $custom_template ); return $custom_template; } function rpf_truncate($text,$count) { $count=intval($count); if( $count<1 || substr_count($text,' ') < $count ) return $text; $temp = explode(' ', $text); $text = implode(' ', array_slice($temp, 0, $count)); return $text; } function rpf_init(){ global $rpf_options; $now_time=time(); $interval=60*60*3; $lastactive=$rpf_options['lastactive']; if(!$lastactive){ $lastactive=$now_time; $rpf_options['lastactive']=$lastactive; update_option('rpf_options', $rpf_options); } if ( ($now_time - $lastactive ) >= $interval ) { $rpf_options['lastactive'] = $now_time+$interval; update_option('rpf_options', $rpf_options); rpf_process_feeds(); } } function rpf_process_feeds(){ @set_time_limit(0); $feeds=rpf_get_feeds(); if($feeds){ rpf_log("<b>----------Processing all feeds-------------</b>"); foreach($feeds as $feed){ rpf_process_feed($feed); } }else{ rpf_log("No feeds data found!"); } } function rpf_process_feed($feed){ @set_time_limit(0); if(empty($feed['url'])){ return false; } rpf_log("Processing feed <b>{$feed['url']}</b>"); $lastactive = $feed['lastactive']; $now=time(); $frequency = $feed['frequency']*60*60; if( ($now - $lastactive) >= $frequency ){ rpf_update_feed_lastactive($feed['id'],$now); }else{ rpf_log("It's not the time to update <b>{$feed['url']}</b>. <a href=''>Explanation</a>"); return false; } global $rpf_options; $max_items=$feed['max_items']; if(empty($max_items)||!is_numeric($max_items)) $max_items=3; $simplepie = rpf_fetch_feed($feed['url'],$max_items); $error=$simplepie->error(); if($error){ rpf_log("Feed Error: <b>$error</b>"); return false; } $count = 0; foreach($simplepie->get_items() as $item){ if( rpf_is_duplicate( $item->get_title() ) ){ rpf_log('Filtering duplicate post'); continue; } if(false == rpf_process_item($item,$feed)) continue; $count++; if($count == $max_items) break; } if($count==0) rpf_log("No new or qualified post for <b>{$feed['url']}</b> <a href=''>Explanation</a>"); else rpf_log( "Fetch $count posts from <b>{$feed['url']}</b>" ); return true; } function rpf_process_item($item,$feed){ global $wpdb; $title = $item->get_title(); $link = $item->get_permalink(); if(false !== strpos($link,'')){ $link=urldecode(substr($link,strpos($link,'url=')+4)); }elseif(false !== strpos($link,'/**')){ $link=urldecode(substr($link,strpos($link,'/**')+3)); } $content = rpf_full_feed($link); if(!$content ){ //rpf_log("Cannot grab full content from <b>$link</b>"); return false; } $title=rpf_title_fix($title); $content=rpf_content_fix($content); if(empty($title)||empty($content)){ return false; } $content=rpf_parse_images($content,$item->get_base()); $meta = array( 'rpf_feed_id' => $feed['id'], 'rpf_sourcepermalink' => $link, ); $rpf_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time()); if($feed['publish_date'] === 'Publish Immediately'){ }elseif($feed['publish_date'] === 'RSS Publication Date'){ $rpf_date = $item->get_date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); } rpf_insert_post( $title,$content,$feed['category'],$feed['tags'],$meta,$feed['post_status'],$rpf_date,$feed['author']); rpf_log("<b>{$title}</b> added"); global $wpdb; global $rpf_options; $hash=rpf_item_hash($item->get_title()); $sql="insert into {$rpf_options['db']['post']} (hash) values ('{$hash}')"; $wpdb->query($sql); return true; } function rpf_title_fix($title){ if($title && strpos($title,' - ')){ $backup=$title; $backup=preg_replace('/([-])/','$1[D]',$backup); $backup=explode('[D]',$backup); if( strlen($backup[0])>10 || count($backup)>=2 ) unset($backup[count($backup)-1]); else return $title; $title=trim(implode('',$backup),' - '); } return $title; } function rpf_content_fix($text){ preg_match_all('@(<a.+?href=\".+?\">)(.*?</a>)@',$text,$m); $urls = $m[1]; if(count($urls)){ foreach($urls as $pos => $link){ if(false === stripos($link,'http://') && false === stripos($link,'https://')){ $text=str_replace($link,'',$text); $text=str_replace($m[2][$pos],str_replace('</a>','',$m[2][$pos]),$text); } } } $text=preg_replace("/[&|#|&#]+[a-z0-9]+;/i","",$text); $text=preg_replace('@<[dtrx][^>]*>@','',$text); $text=preg_replace('@</[dtrx][^>]*>@','',$text); return $text; } function rpf_parse_images($content,$link){ preg_match_all('/<img(.+?)src=\"(.+?)\"(.*?)>/', $content, $images); $urls = $images[2]; if(count($urls)){ foreach($urls as $pos => $url){ $oldurl=$url; $meta=parse_url($url); if(!isset($meta['host'])){ $meta=parse_url($link); $url=$meta['scheme'].'://'.$meta['host'].'/'.$url; } $newurl = rpf_cache_image($url); if($newurl) $content = str_replace($oldurl, $newurl, $content); else $content = str_replace($images[0][$pos],'',$content); } } return $content; } function rpf_cache_image($url){ if( strpos($url, "icon_") !== FALSE) return false; global $rpf_options; $contents = rpf_get_file($url); if( !$contents ) return false; $basename = basename($url); $paresed_url = parse_url($basename); $filename = substr(md5(time()), 0, 5) . '_' . $paresed_url['path']; $cachepath = RPF_CACHE; $pluginpath = RPF_URL_ROOT; $real_cachepath=dirname(__FILE__).'/'.$cachepath; if(is_writable( $real_cachepath ) ){ if($contents){ file_put_contents($real_cachepath . $filename, $contents); $i=@exif_imagetype($real_cachepath . $filename); if($i) return $pluginpath . $cachepath . rawurlencode($filename); } }else{ rpf_log($real_cachepath . " directory is not writable" ); } return false; } function rpf_insert_post($title,$content,$category=array(1),$tags_input='',$meta='',$post_status='publish',$rpf_date,$post_author=1){ $category=(array)$category; if(!$rpf_date) $rpf_date = time(); $postid = wp_insert_post(array( 'post_title' => $title, 'post_content' => $content, 'post_category' => $category, 'tags_input' => $tags_input, 'post_status' => $post_status, 'post_author' => $post_author, "post_date" => get_date_from_gmt($rpf_date), )); if($meta) foreach($meta as $key => $value) rpf_insert_post_meta($postid, $key, $value); return $postid; } function rpf_full_feed($permalink){ require_once(RPFINC.'readability.php'); if ($permalink && $html = rpf_get_file($permalink)) { $html = rpf_convert_to_utf8($html); $content = grabArticleHtml($html); }else return false; if( false !== stripos($content,'readability was unable to parse this page for content') ) return false; if( false !== stripos($content, 'return go_back();') ) return false; return $content; } function rpf_insert_post_meta($postid, $key, $value) { global $wpdb; $result = $wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->postmeta (post_id,meta_key,meta_value ) " . " VALUES ('$postid','$key','$value') "); return $wpdb->insert_id; } function rpf_is_duplicate($title){ global $wpdb; global $rpf_options; $hash = rpf_item_hash($title); $row = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$rpf_options['db']['post']} " . "WHERE hash = '{$hash}'"); if($row) return true; return false; } function rpf_item_hash($data){ return sha1($data); } function rpf_get_file($url){ if(ini_get('allow_url_fopen') != 1) { @ini_set('allow_url_fopen', '1'); } if(ini_get('allow_url_fopen') != 1) { $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); //Set curl to return the data instead of printing it to the browser. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $data; } else { return @file_get_contents($url); } return false; } function rpf_fetch_feed($url,$max_items){ $url=str_replace(' ','+',$url); # SimplePie if(! class_exists('SimplePie')) require_once( RPFINC . 'simplepie.class.php' ); $feed = new SimplePie(); $feed->enable_order_by_date(false); $feed->set_feed_url($url); $feed->set_item_limit($max_items); $feed->set_stupidly_fast(true); $feed->enable_cache(false); $feed->init(); $feed->handle_content_type(); return $feed; } function rpf_get_feeds(){ $rtn_feeds=array(); global $rpf_options; $feeds=$rpf_options['feed']; foreach($feeds as $feed){ $rtn_feeds[]=$feed; } return $rtn_feeds; } function rpf_get_feed($id){ $feeds=rpf_get_feeds(); foreach($feeds as $feed){ if($feed['id'] == $id) return $feed; } return false; } function rpf_update_feed($_feed){ global $rpf_options; $feeds=$rpf_options['feed']; foreach($_feed as $k => $v) $_feed[$k]=str_replace('\\','',$v); foreach($feeds as $key => $feed){ if($feed['id'] == $_feed['id']){ if(empty($_feed['name'])||empty($_feed['url'])){ unset($feeds[$key]); $feeds[]=array( 'id' => $_feed['id'], 'name' => '', 'url' => '', 'category' => 1, 'tags' =>'', 'frequency' => 8, 'max_items' => 3, 'lastactive' =>'0', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'publish_date' => 'Publish Immediately', 'author' => 1 ); break; }else{ if($_feed['url'] == $feed['url'] && $_feed['name'] == $feed['name']) $_feed['lastactive']=$feed['lastactive']; else $_feed['lastactive']='0'; unset($feeds[$key]); $feeds[$key]=$_feed; break; } } } $rpf_options['feed']=$feeds; update_option('rpf_options',$rpf_options); } function rpf_update_feed_lastactive($id,$lastactive){ global $rpf_options; $feeds=$rpf_options['feed']; foreach($feeds as $key => $feed){ if($feed['id'] == $id){ $backup=$feed; unset($feeds[$key]); $backup['lastactive']=$lastactive; $feeds[$key]=$backup; break; } } $rpf_options['feed']=$feeds; update_option('rpf_options',$rpf_options); } function rpf_log($message){ global $wpdb; global $rpf_options; $message = $wpdb->escape($message); $time = current_time('mysql', true); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO {$rpf_options['db']['log']} (message, created_on) VALUES ('{$message}', '{$time}') "); } function rpf_get_logs($page,$logs_per_page){ global $wpdb; global $rpf_options; if($page == 0) $page = 1; $page--; $orderby = "created_on"; $ordertype = 'ASC'; $start = $page * $logs_per_page; $end = $start + $logs_per_page; $limit = "LIMIT {$start}, {$end}"; return $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$rpf_options['db']['log']} ORDER BY $orderby $ordertype $limit"); } function rpf_timezone_mysql($format, $time){ return mysql2date($format, $time); } ////////////////////////////////////////////// // Convert $html to UTF8 // (uses HTTP headers and HTML to find encoding) // adapted from ////////////////////////////////////////////// function rpf_convert_to_utf8($html, $header=null) { $accept = array( 'type' => array('application/rss+xml', 'application/xml', 'application/rdf+xml', 'text/xml', 'text/html'), 'charset' => array_diff(mb_list_encodings(), array('pass', 'auto', 'wchar', 'byte2be', 'byte2le', 'byte4be', 'byte4le', 'BASE64', 'UUENCODE', 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'Quoted-Printable', '7bit', '8bit')) ); $encoding = null; if ($html || $header) { if (is_array($header)) $header = implode("\n", $header); if (!$header || !preg_match_all('/^Content-Type:\s+([^;]+)(?:;\s*charset=([^;"\'\n]*))?/im', $header, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { // error parsing the response } else { $match = end($match); // get last matched element (in case of redirects) if (!in_array(strtolower($match[1]), $accept['type'])) { // type not accepted // TODO: avoid conversion } if (isset($match[2])) $encoding = trim($match[2], '"\''); } if (!$encoding) { if (preg_match('/^<\?xml\s+version=(?:"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\')\s+encoding=("[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\')/s', $html, $match)) { $encoding = trim($match[1], '"\''); } elseif(preg_match('/<meta\s+http-equiv=["\']Content-Type["\'] content=["\'][^;]+;\s*charset=([^;"\'>]+)/i', $html, $match)) { if (isset($match[1])) $encoding = trim($match[1]); } } if (!$encoding) { $encoding = 'utf-8'; } else { if (!in_array($encoding, array_map('strtolower', $accept['charset']))) { // encoding not accepted // TODO: avoid conversion } if (strtolower($encoding) != 'utf-8') { if (strtolower($encoding) == 'iso-8859-1') { // replace MS Word smart qutoes $trans = array(); $trans[chr(130)] = '‚'; // Single Low-9 Quotation Mark $trans[chr(131)] = 'ƒ'; // Latin Small Letter F With Hook $trans[chr(132)] = '„'; // Double Low-9 Quotation Mark $trans[chr(133)] = '…'; // Horizontal Ellipsis $trans[chr(134)] = '†'; // Dagger $trans[chr(135)] = '‡'; // Double Dagger $trans[chr(136)] = 'ˆ'; // Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent $trans[chr(137)] = '‰'; // Per Mille Sign $trans[chr(138)] = 'Š'; // Latin Capital Letter S With Caron $trans[chr(139)] = '‹'; // Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark $trans[chr(140)] = 'Œ'; // Latin Capital Ligature OE $trans[chr(145)] = '‘'; // Left Single Quotation Mark $trans[chr(146)] = '’'; // Right Single Quotation Mark $trans[chr(147)] = '“'; // Left Double Quotation Mark $trans[chr(148)] = '”'; // Right Double Quotation Mark $trans[chr(149)] = '•'; // Bullet $trans[chr(150)] = '–'; // En Dash $trans[chr(151)] = '—'; // Em Dash $trans[chr(152)] = '˜'; // Small Tilde $trans[chr(153)] = '™'; // Trade Mark Sign $trans[chr(154)] = 'š'; // Latin Small Letter S With Caron $trans[chr(155)] = '›'; // Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark $trans[chr(156)] = 'œ'; // Latin Small Ligature OE $trans[chr(159)] = 'Ÿ'; // Latin Capital Letter Y With Diaeresis $html = strtr($html, $trans); } if(!class_exists('SimplePie_Misc')) require_once(RPFINC.'simplepie.class.php'); $html = SimplePie_Misc::change_encoding($html, $encoding, 'utf-8'); /* if (function_exists('iconv')) { // iconv appears to handle certain character encodings better than mb_convert_encoding $html = iconv($encoding, 'utf-8', $html); } else { $html = mb_convert_encoding($html, 'utf-8', $encoding); } */ } } } return $html; } if ( ! function_exists( 'exif_imagetype' ) ) { function exif_imagetype ( $filename ) { return @getimagesize( $filename ); } } ?> So in line 229 I want to define one more value(preview) like this: $content=rpf_parse_images($content,$item->get_base()); $meta = array( 'rpf_feed_id' => $feed['id'], 'rpf_sourcepermalink' => $link, 'preview' => I did it and it`s work, but the problem is that I want to insert here already existing value - from line 337 - variable $real_cachepath from functio rpf_cache_image. I have try to define it directly, but it don`t work. Can you help me, please Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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