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trying to get a drop-down menu (in a form) to work  that needs to get populated from a table

table called  :  CarCategory

in this table are 2 columns  called

CarCategoryID    (unique number from 1-18)

CarCategoryDesc  (actual name of category.. e.g. 'convertible')


link :


I'm a total novice.. and can't figure out why the first is not working and the second (country) is working



code :


<!--NOT WORKING ... why not ?? should show drop down menu--> 


      <div align="center">

          <select name="carcategory" id="CarCategory" class="validate[required]" style="width: 200px;">


          <option value="">Select Car Category from list...</option>


            <?php while($obj_queryCarCategory = mysql_fetch_object($result_queryCarCategory)) { ?>

                <option value="<?php echo $obj_queryCarCategory->CarCategoryID;?>"

                <?php if($obj_queryCarCategory->CarCategoryID == $UserCountry) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> >

                <?php echo $obj_queryCarCategory->CarCategoryDesc;?></option>

            <?php } ?>






<!-- working ! -->


      <div align="center">

          <select name="country" id="Country" class="validate[required]" style="width: 200px;">


          <option value="">Select...</option>


            <?php while($obj_queryCountry = mysql_fetch_object($result_queryCountry)) { ?>

                <option value="<?php echo $obj_queryCountry->CountryID;?>"

                <?php if($obj_queryCountry->CountryID == $UserCountry) { echo 'selected="selected"'; } ?> >

                <?php echo $obj_queryCountry->CountryName;?></option>

            <?php } ?>






Hi stockychaser,

I can't see the country drop-down in the page you link to. Are you definitely getting a connection to your database?

Try putting some debugging code in to see if you are getting any results.


Use var_dump() to view the content of $obj_queryCarCategory


 <?php while($obj_queryCarCategory = mysql_fetch_object($result_queryCarCategory)) { var_dump($obj_queryCarCategory); ?>


Can you post the code that does the database connection and query?





oh I'm very sorry... I changed the page, thinking it would work if only 1 drop-down menu was on there, however...that did not change anything.

please look again...


the second drop-down does work !

hi Fergal,

the connection looks like this :




    // information about Mysql server

    $dbhost = '';

    $dbuser = 'soundfa_sam';

    $dbpass = '********';      //here sits the correct password !

    $dbname = 'soundfa_acn';


    // try to connect

    $conn = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass) or die (mysql_error());


    // choose database





- - - - -


When I insert the php string you gave me above, the page no longer loads.

is this normal ? (again... I'm totally new to PHP !! (sorry))


thanks all !

Hi stockychaser,

Your connection code looks fine.


If you're getting a blank page it is probably because error reporting is turned off. Try inserting this at the top of your script:




If you have direct access to the database  try running your SQL query directly to make sure it doesn't contain any errors.



It's working. .


at the top of the page... I forgot to put in the "getCarCategory" section :(





    // start session



    // Include site's config

    include_once 'phpcodes/config.php';


    // Include connection

    include_once 'phpcodes/conn.php';


    // get Currency

    $sql_queryCurrency = 'SELECT * FROM Currency';

    $result_queryCurrency = mysql_query($sql_queryCurrency) or die (mysql_error());


    // get CarMake

    $sql_queryCarMake = 'SELECT * FROM CarMake';

    $result_queryCarMake = mysql_query($sql_queryCarMake) or die (mysql_error());


    // get CarCategory

    $sql_queryCarCategory = 'SELECT * FROM CarCategory';

    $result_queryCarCategory = mysql_query($sql_queryCarCategory) or die (mysql_error());


    // get CarModel

    $sql_queryCarModel = 'SELECT * FROM CarModel';

    $result_queryCarModel = mysql_query($sql_queryCarModel) or die (mysql_error());






thanks for all the help...


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