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New to the forum

shaX 07

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Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and just wanted to introduce myself. I currently work in Desktop Support for a hospital, but am working on some web projects in addition to my primary job duties. I am primarily working on a new help desk / self service page for the end users. We are currently coding HTML, CSS, JavaScript and of course PHP. We plan to do A LOT of great things on these projects, including self service functions for customers- password self service, web forms for submitting various requests and also a web based accounts request form that will also include tons of account automation. There's tons of stuff going on and I look forward to expanding my PHP knowledge with these projects.


I have been fluent in HTML since middle school, and always enjoyed web design. I learned a tiny bit of PHP when it first arrived on the scene but i'm just now getting serious with it.


I'm sure i'll be posting up several questions/issues about things i'll be working on in the next several months, and I hope to also be able to help others and contribute to the forum as well.



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