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Column and Variable names using PHP and mysql


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I'm having some issues with PHP thinking that the variables that I send it are the actual columns in my database.  First, I pull off Quadratic_Functions and introductory_problem from http://localhost:8888/algebra_book/Chapters/Quadratic_Functions/introductory_problem.php using the code below:


$chapter_page =  $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$chapter_page_array = explode('/',$chapter_page);
$size =count($chapter_page_array); 
$chapter = $chapter_page_array[$size-2];
$page = $chapter_page_array[$size-1]; 
$page_array = explode('.', $page);
$page = $page_array[0];


Based on my printing of the variables $chapter and $page I think that it's doing what I want it to do.  I then use the following function:


$supplemental_id = getSupplementalId($dbRead,$chapter,$page); 


to check out if the there's a supplemental_id for the Quadratic_Function chapter and introductory_problem page name via:


function getSupplementalId($read,$user_id,$chapter,$page)
  $sql = "SELECT supplemental_id
  			FROM instructors_supplemental
		WHERE page_name = $page
		AND chapter_name='$chapter";

return $read->fetchRow($sql);


If I stick in actual values, as seen below, the thing runs fine.


$sql = "SELECT supplemental_id
  			FROM instructors_supplemental
		WHERE page_name = 'introductory_problem'
		AND chapter_name='Quadratic_Functions'";


But if I run it in the abstract version, with variables for page and chapter name (the first version), I get Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'introductory_problem' in 'where clause'' in...


It's almost as if it thinks that my variables are the names of the columns. 


Any thoughts would be appreciated....

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Hmmmm.....that did the trick!  (THANKS....) But, why?


I have many other database queries on my site and this is the first time that I need the single quote.  Could it be that all of the others are either $_POSTS or $_GETS.  It's a bit of a mystery to me  :confused:


Any further clarification would be appreciated.

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If it's a number then you don't need the quotes (though it's a good idea to use them, as well as mysql_real_escape_string(), to avoid SQL injection).  If it's a string and it works, then the quotes ARE getting added somehow.  I couldn't tell you how without seeing the code.

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