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I've been teaching myself PHP and web design for about 2 years now and I've come along way. I just recently finished my own personal website which hosts multiple PHP projects and tutorials. I've created my own rating system and comment system as well. Before registering my own domain name I thought I mine as well post it here and see what flaws you guys can find cause I'm sure theres a bunch. However I kindly ask that if you do find a flaw please don't cause any damage to the site and just report it here.


My Site : http://bkgallery.site90.net/


Proof its mine: http://bkgallery.site90.net/phpfreaks.html


Thanks in advance for all the feedback!

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you have alot of injection on your contact page i would suggest using strip_tags also if you rather use the html purifier library you can do like so..


require_once 'htmlpurifier/library/HTMLPurifier.auto.php';
$purifier = new HTMLPurifier();
$example =$purifier->purify($_POST['example']);






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