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Positioning kills me


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I have 4 images:

<img class="float-left" src="Pictures_Other/flyin_pic1.jpg" alt="new picture" border="0" width="220" height="165" />
<img class="float-right" src="Pictures_Other/flyin_pic2.jpg" alt="new picture" border="0" width="220" height="165" />
<p class="clearline"</p>
<br /><br />
Magnolia Field
<img class="float-left" src="Pictures_Members/meetinga.JPG" alt="new picture" border="0" width="220" height="165" />
<img class="float-right" src="Pictures_Members/meeting1a.JPG" alt="new picture" border="0" width="220" height="165" />
<p class="clearline"</p>
<br /><br />
2010 Annual Meeting

"2010 Annual Meeting" is positioned the way I envision it should be, 2 lines below pics 3 and 4.


It seems to me that "Magnolia Field" should be positioned 2 lines below pics 1 and 2. But it isn't. It is at the upper right corner of pic #3. Makes no sense.


I have tried setting them in blocks with div and span but makes no difference.

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I may need to take a day or two off from this stuff. It seems if I can't find that error I am hopeless.


On the other hand I got in the car this morning and forgot where I was going.  :D


No float, I am going to center it.


Mucho gracias

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Well, while you take some days of, you may want to think about what i said earlier on targeting things, Why would you put something in a paragraph or span or why do you want to give something an ID or class.

How would you in this case target the text magnolia field?


in addition to the above I would read the following page out load: http://w3schools.com/css/css_id_class.asp and repeat that page every day until you see a secret message


a good mantra text can be also :

CSS is al about targeting elements id's or classes and setting a style to it.

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