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loop with 'while' into array more than 1 time...

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Dear Forum People,


I have a question about PHP.


I'm trying to use an array several times in combination with 'while' and 'mysql_fetch_assoc'.


the reason i have this requirements is because i need to display some googlemap coordinates inside a javascript and later on the html page i want to display other data coming from the database.


the code will explain the situation:


this is the code that goes before the html <head>

//$where_query = "bedrooms_nbr = $form_bedrooms AND max_people > $form_adults  AND available = '1'";

$sql_search = mysql_query("SELECT id, available, building_id, max_people, min_nights, bedrooms_nbr, bedrooms_interconn FROM property_flats WHERE $where_query GROUP BY building_id ");
confirm_query($sql_search); //this is a function
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($sql_search);


<script type="text/javascript">

// Sample hotel list -  LAT/LNG/Name
hotels = new Array(	

	while ($grow = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_search)) {

			$gbuilding_id = ($grow['building_id']); //this goes on the next query ---			

		 			$gsql_building = mysql_query("SELECT ordername, g1, g2 FROM property_buildings WHERE id = '$gbuilding_id'") ;
					confirm_query($gsql_building); //this is a function
					$grow_building = mysql_fetch_assoc ($gsql_building) ;
					$gordername = $grow_building['ordername'];
					$gg1 = $grow_building['g1'];
					$gg2 = $grow_building['g2'];

	echo "[". $gg1 . ", " . $gg2 . ", '". $gordername ."'], \n" ;		
	echo "[, , '']";


then inside the page i repeat the same loop in a very similar way but with many more variables fetch from the db


	//mysql_query is in the <head> for gmap to work
	echo '<h3 class="">'. $num_rows .' Apartments found</h3>';
	//print_r ($main_query_array) ;
	$k=1; //this is for alternate colour row
	while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql_search)) {

		 	$id = $row['id'] ;
			$air_co = $row['air_co'] ;
			$bathrooms = $row['bathrooms'] ;
			$bedrooms = $row['bedrooms'] ;
			$ensuite = $row['ensuite'] ;
			$max_people = $row['max_people'] ;
                                // etc etc ....
			$building_id = ($row['building_id']); //this goes on the next query --- and refers to next apartment page--			

		 	// this is to know the BUILDING NAME{{{
		 			$sql_building = mysql_query("SELECT id, name, description, streetnum, street, areacode, picfolder, main_picture FROM property_buildings WHERE id = '$building_id'") ;
					confirm_query($sql_building); //this is a function
					$row_building = mysql_fetch_assoc ($sql_building) ;
					$name = $row_building['name'];
					$postcode = $row_building['areacode'];
					$description = $row_building['description'];
					// etc etc .....

		$goto = 'apartment.php?id='.$building_id.'';

		echo '<a class="previewimg fl" href="'.$goto.'" title="'.$name.'"><img src="'.$folder_main_picture.'" alt="'.$name.'" /></a>
		<small class="fr tr"><br /><b>Minimum Stay: '.$min_nights.' Night</b></small>

		<h3><a href="'.$goto.'">'.$name.'</a></h3>
		<div class="address">'. $streetnum .' '.$street. ' - ' . $postcode.' [ <a href="#">Show on map</a> ]</div>
			$extract = substr ($description, 0, 250);
			// find position of last space in extract
			$lastSpace = strrpos($extract, ' ');
			// use $lastSpace to set length of new extract and add ...
			echo substr($extract, 0, $lastSpace).'... ';
			//echo '<a href="details.php?article_id='.$row['article_id'].'"> More</a>';
		echo '<a href="'.$goto.'">more »</a></p>
		<table class="roomlist full">
					<th class="tl w13">Available room types</th>
					<th class="tc w13">Maximum Persons</th>
					<th class="tr w13">Rate</th>
                                        <!-- a table to show all information about an hotel ....-->'
		<div class="clear"> </div>
	<hr class="thin"/>
	<!-- End of Search item }}}-->' ;
		$k++ ; 



please note: if i remove the loop for googlemap at the top of the page, the second loop for the hotel information dispalys correctly; and if i leave both loops working in the same page, only the google map comes up correctly.


any suggestion? is it because i made a mistake in the php code? or the javascript for googlemaps messes up with the rest of the code?


many thanks in advance.





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