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I have a slight issue with some of my code; basically I have used an array_sum to calculate all entries made to users UPNs (a unique identifier).


The array is adding or subtracting points where appropriate, but is displaying at the top of my webpage;


'Warning: array_sum() [function.array-sum]: The argument should be an array in /home/pquinn/public_html/demo/index.php on line 74'


code on line 72 - 74:

foreach($users as $row => $value){
$content .= "<tr>";
$current_points = array_sum($total_rewards[$row]) - array_sum($total_sanctions[$row]);




But where I have the php code the code is working and displays:


Surname - User

Forename - Demo

Form Class - 8de

Points - 535



So the array is working in some way.


The code I am using is,


$starting_points = 0;

/* Connecting, selecting database */
include_once '/home/pquinn/public_html/demo/includes/db.php';
//$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error());

$sql = "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY formclass"; 
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die("Query failed : " . mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){
$id = $row[upn];
$users[$id][surname] = "<a href=\"user.php?id=$row[username]\"><u>$row[surname]</u></a>";
$users[$id][forename] = $row[forename];

$yeargroup = $row[yeargroup];
	case ($yeargroup == date('Y')):
		$stryeargroup = '8';
	case ($yeargroup == date('Y')+1):
		$stryeargroup = '9';
	case ($yeargroup == date('Y')+2):
		$stryeargroup = '10';
	case ($yeargroup == date('Y')+3):
		$stryeargroup = '11';
	case ($yeargroup == date('Y')+4):
		$stryeargroup = '12';
	case ($yeargroup == date('Y')+5):
		$stryeargroup = '13';
				case ($yeargroup == date('Y')+6):
		$stryeargroup = '14';

$users[$id][fomclass] = $stryeargroup.$row[formclass];


$sql = "SELECT upn, points FROM rewards";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)){
$id = $row[0];
$total_rewards[$id][] = $row[1];

$sql = "SELECT upn, points FROM sanctions";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_NUM)){
$id = $row[0];
$total_sanctions[$id][] = $row[1];

// Get points
$current_points = array_sum($total_rewards) - array_sum($total_sanctions);
$points = $current_points + $starting_points;
// Print out the rewards
$content .= "<tr>\n";
$content .= "<th align=\"left\">Surname</th>\t\n";
$content .= "<th>Forename</th>\t\n";
$content .= "<th>Form Class</th>\t\n";
$content .= "<th>Points</th>\t\n";
$content .= "</tr>\n";

foreach($users as $row => $value){
$content .= "<tr>";
$current_points = array_sum($total_rewards[$row]) - array_sum($total_sanctions[$row]);
$points = $current_points + $starting_points;
	foreach($value as $var => $value){
			$content .= "<td>$value</td>\t\n";
$users[$row][points] = $points;
$content .= "<td>$points</td>\t\n";					
$content .= "</tr>";



Any help would be greatly appreciated,


Many Thanks and Kindest Regards,




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its a warning not a fatal error, the problem isn't with your code, its the fact that when there ARE no results to tally together, for example, you have a user, but that user hasn't earned any rewards.. his rewards won't be present, which means $total_rewards[hisUserId] will not be an array, and when you pass it into the function array_sum, it expects an array, and doesn't get it, to avoid this error message..


Try this:

$current_points = @array_sum($total_rewards[$row]) - @array_sum($total_sanctions[$row]);


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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