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javascript if, then else issue.


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Hi everyone.


I want to pass values to a couple of fields using javascript. the code i'm using partially works. it passes the values properly except for the fact that the payment amounts dont display properly. the 50,000 appears in the totalcreditcardlimit textbox no matter which payment method is chosen. can anyone see what i'm doing wrong? thanks.


function PaymentMethodCBtoTB() 
if(document.getElementById("PaymentMethods").value="Cheques") { 
document.getElementById("TotalCreditCardLimit").value="$50000.00" } 
else if (document.getElementById("PaymentMethods").value="Credit Card") { 
document.getElementById("TotalCreditCardLimit").value=" "


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the problem is the fact that you are using one '=' in your if statement which is setting the value of 'PaymentMethods' to 'Cheques'. use one '=' to set a value and two('==') for evaluation. for example:


foo = 'something';//set the value

if(foo == 'something') {
   //evaluated the value of foo

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Thanks for your reply. i have re-worked the code, but i still have an issue. The PaymentMethods textbox changes from 'Cheques' to 'Credit Card Limit' however, the 'TotalCreditCardLimit' textbox still only displays $50,000 no matter which choice I choose from the dropdown box.


What needs to happen is:

If cheques is chosen, the word Cheques needs to be displayed in the payment methods textbox AND the TotalCreditCardLimit textbox needs the value of $50,000

If credit card is chosen, the word Credit Card needs to be displayed in the payment methods textbox AND the TotalCreditCardLimit textbox needs the value of $2500.00


I'd really appreciate your help in resolving this issue.


function PaymentMethodCBtoTB() 
VarChequesCBtoTB = (document.getElementById("PaymentMethods").value="Cheques");
VarCreditCard = (document.getElementById("PaymentMethods").value="Credit Card");
if(VarChequesCBtoTB == 'Cheques') 
else if (VarCreditCard == 'Credit Card') 

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you are still setting the value of PaymentMethods to Cheques instead of comparing the actual value. Once again, '=' assigning a value and '==' is used for comparison.


Assigning a variable:

foo = 1;


Comparing the variable

if(foo == 2) {
   alert('foo is equal to two');


you have

VarChequesCBtoTB = (document.getElementById("PaymentMethods").value="Cheques");
VarCreditCard = (document.getElementById("PaymentMethods").value="Credit Card");
if(VarChequesCBtoTB == 'Cheques') {}


In that snippet you are assigning the value of  to PaymentMethods 'Cheques' and then again on the next line to 'Credit Card'








In either case the variables you are assigning there would be boolean(true/false) and not a string as you expect.


You may want to read over the w3schools documentation on  assignment operators and javascript comparison operators


Here is a simplified example of your code:

pm = document.getElementById("PaymentMethods").value;
if(pm=='Cheques') {
   //your Cheques related code
} else if(pm == 'Credit Card') {
   //your Credit Card related code


Also, you may want to use proper indention(either tabs or spaces) when coding. It will make it easier to read, debug and work with in general.

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