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hi everyone,


I need upload a big files on server with PHP. I find one „solution” on internet and that is sending file via FTP with php. I try it but its dont work. Maybe there is no given a passive mode... but the scrip wont connect to ftp.

Uploading big file using FTP is a good method? Or is there some other (simple) solution to upload big files with php?


here is the script what I try to use



if (isset($_POST['submitted']))
// get FTP access parameters
$host = 'localhost';
$user = 'user';
$pass = 'password';
$destDir = 'public_html/video';
$workDir = 'public_html/tmp'; // define this as per local system

// get temporary file name for the uploaded file
$tmpName = basename($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']);

// copy uploaded file into current directory
move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $workDir."/".$tmpName)
or die("Cannot move uploaded file to working directory");

// open connection
$conn = ftp_connect($host) or die ("Cannot initiate connection to

// send access parameters
ftp_login($conn, $user, $pass) or die("Cannot login");

// perform file upload
$upload = ftp_put($conn, $destDir."/".$_FILES['file']['name'],
$workDir."/".$tmpName, FTP_BINARY);

// check upload status
// display message
if (!$upload) {
  echo "Cannot upload";
} else {
  echo "Upload complete";

// close the FTP stream

// delete local copy of uploaded file
unlink($workDir."/".$tmpName) or die("Cannot delete uploaded
file from working directory -- manual deletion recommended");

<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>">
File <br />
<input type="file" name="file" /><p />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Upload File" />
<input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="TRUE" />



thanks in advanced



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Where are you trying to upload the file FROM and where are you trying to upload the file TO? What exact problem are you having with large files and how large are the files that don't work?


Using a web based HTML form, implies that you are uploading the file from a client/browser to your server where your .php code is located. Adding ftp_xxxxx() statements in your code code implies that you want to send that file, after it has been uploaded to your server, to an different server by using FTP to transfer it. If the file isn't uploading to your server in the first place, trying to use FTP to transfer it somewhere else doesn't make an sense.

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