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php extension crashes apache

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hi everyone,

I have been searching EVERYWHERE for a solution to this problem but so far my search has proven unsuccessful!

On my local machine i have a WAMP stack and it was working fine until after I installed a new php extension (it was PDO). Now Apache can't start up and the error log says "unclean shutdown of previous Apache run?"


i managed to narrow it down to these (see below) as being the trouble makers.














When these are commented out apache runs and local host is accessible. Being new to this whole thing I don't really know what these things do so my question is what will happen if I just leave these commented out? Will they affect anything in any way?


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The extensions were installed when PHP was installed so the dll files just came with whatever is in the setup for php..

I had installed php previously when the wamp was working and then uninstalled it to reinstall it with the added extension

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