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Hack for FF?


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Is there a hack that will work just for Firefox? I have a page that I have positioned the way I want in Safari, but the alignment is off in Firefox. Can anyone tell me what the best way to go about fixing this positioning issue would be? I really want Firefox to look how it looks it Safari, but everything I'm trying is making Firefox look okay and then messing up my positioning in Safari. I'll attach the screenshots below. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



The first image is the Firefox one and the second is the way I want it to look (the way it looks it Safari). Here is a link to the page as well:





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Develop for Firefox, adjust for others,


Btw, you have an inline style (which is bad) of margin: -25px;

remove that and it looks fine in Firefox:

<p style="margin-top: -25px;"><span class="book-title">Administration Ethics in the Twenty-first Century</span><br>
Published by <a title="Peter Lang Publishing Group" target="_blank" href="http://www.peterlang.com/index.cfm?event=cmp.ccc.seitenstruktur.detailseiten&seitentyp=produkt&pk=45580&concordeid=66120">Peter Lang Publishing Group</a>, June 2008<br>
Paperback, 285 pages, ISBN-10: 0820461202, ISBN-13: 978-0820461205<br>
Not published in hardcover.</p>


incase you want to use hacks, which i think you should not, because firefox does a great job: here is some ifo: http://perishablepress.com/press/2009/06/28/css-hacks-for-different-versions-of-firefox/

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Thank you very much for the advice guys! Do they not have the option anymore for setting topics as resolved?

nope they are working on it. But if you leave a lot of smileys and say it's solved it's good enough ::)

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