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I need to change the "task" to something else but not sure which task is a task or which is a name?


this plugin causes a Fatal error undefined method........ I found that the cause is this "if($_POST['task'])" the 'task' is a duplicate to my component and when the component performs integrated function:


$limitstart = 0;

$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();


$obj = new stdClass;


$output = $dispatcher->trigger('onPrepareContent', array (&$obj, & $params, $limitstart));

$output= $obj->text;

return $output;



it calls to the "task" and then i get an error... can someone assist in changeing the name to something obscure:

here is the plugin partial code:





$success = $upload->$_POST['task']($_POST['destino'], $tipos, $maxsize);



$path = JPATH_SITE . DS . $destino . DS . $username;


                if($destino == "audio")


                        copy('audio/user/index.php', $path.DS.'index.php');

chmod($path.DS.'index.php', 0644);





$path = JPATH_SITE . DS . $destino . DS . $username;


$userfiles = count(glob($path.DS . "*"));


// mostramos el formulario de envio

$form = "<div id='formUpload'><h3>".JText::_('UPLOAD_MANAGER')."</h3><form id='file_upload_form' name=\"file_upload_form\" method='post' enctype='multipart/form-data' >";


                        if($userfiles < $files)


$form .= "<input type='file' id='file_field' name='file' class='$inputbox' size='$size' onchange=\"this.form.task.value = 'upload'; uploadfile(this.form, $number, $files)\"/>";


$form .= JText::sprintf( 'ADVICE', $files );



$form .= "<input type='hidden' id=\"destino\" name=\"destino\" value=\"" . $destino . DS . $username. DS . "\"/>


<input type='hidden' id='count' name='count' value='' />

<input type='hidden' id='userfiles' name='userfiles' value='$userfiles' />

<input type='hidden' id='task' name='task' value='' />

<input type='hidden' id='delete' name='delete' value='' />







$form .= "</div>";



$form .= "</form>";

$form .= "<h3>". JText::_('TASK_MANAGER') ."</h3>";

$form .= '<table id="tasks" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"></table>';

$form .= '<div id="loaders"></div>';

$form .= "</div>";




and the javascript:



//var container = document.getElementById('filemanager');

function deletefile(file, ele, number, files){

if(confirm("Are you sure?")){


//document.getElementById('delete').value = file;

//document.getElementById('task').value = "delete";

ele.elements['delete'].value = file;

ele.elements['task'].value = 'delete';

uploadfile(ele, number, files);




function uploadfile(ele, number, files){


max_uploads = number;

max_files  = files;

//userfiles = document.getElementById('userfiles').value;

userfiles = ele.elements['userfiles'].value;

var msgs = new Array();

msgs['delete'] = 'DELETING';

msgs['upload'] = 'UPLOADING';

var task = ele.elements['task'].value;

var path;

if(task == 'upload'){

path = ele.elements['file'].value;

if(str = path.match(/.+(?:\/|\\)(.+)/)){

path = str[1];




if(task == 'delete'){

path = document.getElementById('delete').value;


var container = document.getElementById('tasks');

//var row = document.createElement('tr');


var row = container.insertRow(-1);

row.id = "uploading_" + count;

row.className = "list";

var cell = row.insertCell(0);

cell.width = "40%";

var cell2 = row.insertCell(1);

cell2.innerHTML = "<i><b>" + msgs[task] + "</b>: Please, wait</i>";

cell.innerHTML = '<div id="loader_text_' + count + '" style="float: left">' + path +'</div>';

var cell1 = row.insertCell(2);

cell1.innerHTML = '<div style="float:right;"><img src="plugins/content/file_upload/images/loader.gif" id="loader_' + count + '"/></div>';

var div = document.createElement('div');

div.setAttribute("width", 0);

div.setAttribute("height", 0);

div.name = "div_" + count;

div.id = "div_" + count;

div.innerHTML = '<iframe width="0" height="0" style="display:none" name="' + 'iframe_' + count + '"></iframe>';


ele.target = "iframe_" + count;

document.getElementById('count').value = count;







ele.elements['task'].value = '';



function removeloader(i, err){

var loader = document.getElementById("uploading_" + i);

var loader_img = document.getElementById('loader_' + i);



case 1:

var cell = loader.insertCell(1);

cell.innerHTML = "<i><b>FAILED</b>: The File could not be uploaded</i>";

loader_img.src = "plugins/content/file_upload/images/warning.png";



case 2:

var cell = loader.insertCell(1);

cell.innerHTML = "<i><b>FAILED</b>: Type not valid</i>";

loader_img.src = "plugins/content/file_upload/images/warning.png";



case 3:

var cell = loader.insertCell(1);

cell.innerHTML = "<i><b>FAILED</b>: File size exceeded</i>";

loader_img.src = "plugins/content/file_upload/images/warning.png";



case 4:

var cell = loader.insertCell(1);

cell.innerHTML = "<i><b>FAILED</b>: A file with the same name already exists</i>";

loader_img.src = "plugins/content/file_upload/images/warning.png";



case 5:

var cell = loader.insertCell(1);

cell.innerHTML = "<i><b>SUCCESS</b>: The file was deleted</i>";

loader_img.src = "plugins/content/file_upload/images/ok.png";



document.getElementById('userfiles').value = userfiles;



var cell = loader.insertCell(1);

cell.innerHTML = "<i><b>SUCCESS</b></i>";

loader_img.src = "plugins/content/file_upload/images/ok.png";



document.getElementById('userfiles').value = userfiles;



loader.onclick = function(){

var container = document.getElementById('tasks');







function setinputfile(){

//alert(uploads + ", " + userfiles + ", " + document.getElementById('userfiles').value);

var inputfile = document.getElementById('file_field');

//alert(uploads + userfiles);


if(uploads >= max_uploads){

inputfile.disabled = true;


if((1*uploads + 1*userfiles) >= max_files){

inputfile.disabled = true;


inputfile.disabled = false;





function appendfile(output, file_icon, file_size){

var table = document.getElementById("file_list");

var row = table.insertRow(-1);

row.className = "list";

var cell = row.insertCell(0);

//cell.width = "40%";

cell.innerHTML = '<div style="float: left;">' + file_icon + ' ' + output + '</div>';

var cell1 = row.insertCell(1);

cell1.innerHTML = file_size;

var cell2 = row.insertCell(2);

cell2.innerHTML = '<div style="float: right;"><a href="javascript: deletefile(\'' + output + '\', document.getElementById(\'file_upload_form\'), ' + max_uploads + ', ' + max_files + ');"><img src="plugins/content/file_upload/images/remove.png" class="icons" /></a><a href="#"><img src="plugins/content/file_upload/images/download.png" class="icons" /></a></div>';

//document.getElementById('loaders').removeChild(document.getElementById("div_" + i));



function removefile(output){

var table = document.getElementById("file_list");


for(var i = 0; i < table.getElementsByTagName('tr').length ; i++){


var regex = "/.+" + output + "/.+";

var str;

if(str = table.rows.cells[0].innerHTML.match(output)){


//alert("hola caracola");



//document.getElementById('loaders').removeChild(document.getElementById("div_" + i));



function deleteframe(i){

document.getElementById('loaders').removeChild(document.getElementById("div_" + i));




heres what i think is the problem:





$successfull = $upload->$_POST['task']($_POST['destino'], $tipos, $maxsize);



//the result=


Fatal error: Call to undefined method FileUpload::saveCancellation() in /home/global38/public_html/xxxxx/plugins/content/file_upload.php on line 71



I know now that the "$_POST" sends the information to the server for temp storage-- whats happening is that the component has the same task set on the server temp storage, so the 2 "$_POST" functions clash..


how do i set the above $_POST not to be called when this function takes effect:



function mycomponent_cmsspecific_parseByBots($str)


$limitstart = 0;

$dispatcher =& JDispatcher::getInstance();


$obj = new stdClass;


$output = $dispatcher->trigger('onPrepareContent', array (&$obj, & $params, $limitstart));

$output= $obj->text;

return $output;



and only when the plugin is used?


i have to say that this plugin works flawless otherwise:

and is there anything wrong with this line 71?

/*line 71*/ $successfull = $upload->$_POST['task']($_POST['destino'], $tipos, $maxsize);

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