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Hello all,


I have form that has several fields.  Each field will be saved to a table (which is a relations table we will call markups).  The form is built from another table which is an array of categories.  The output will build a form with each category and allow the end-user to input data for each category.  The information the user will be entering is markup values. 


Cat1 | Markup Input

Cat2 | Markup Input

Cat3 | Markup Input


I'll be saving the data in their own columns and not as an serialized array to the database.  I'm currently looping through the arrayed fields and saving the data to the markup relations table.  I've read other forums and serializing the data will be to difficult to retrieve for relationship purposes??  Anyway, here's my question:


Let's say the user is entering the markups for the first time.  They go down the list of categories and add their markups for each and click save.  Cool, no problem just do an INSERT INTO. Then, they go into the category setup screen and add a category then go back to the markup screen and now have to update the category markup that was just added. 


So now I have to do an UPDATE to the current listed markups table (no problem). But now I have to add another row in the same table from that array.  Is there a logical way of handling this.  I guess I'm looking for some ideas on how to accomplish this task.  I hope you guy understand what I'm after here.  Thanks for any suggestions on this.



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