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adding trailing slash


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i've been making this project in my spare time, haven't looked at it for a while. But i have some spare time so i'm going to dip my toe again.


I have been using the following .htaccess rules


RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-d  
RewriteCond %{SCRIPT_FILENAME} !-f   
RewriteRule ^about/?$ about.php 
RewriteRule ^about/([A-Za-z\+\-]+)/?$ ./about.php?x=$1  



Which achieves what I wanted (initially). In that I wanted to be able to make these URLs:





Become these URLs respectively:




Which once i'd fiddled around and achieved it, I was pretty happy with. Obviosuly this meant some changes to my relative CSS paths, which was a bit fiddly, but I couldn't see a better way around it. Though if you know any good ideas, please let me know.


My scenario now is much as I enjoy that these URLs look prettier, there are 2 problems with them.


1 - if someone types


for example, the css relative paths fail. So the paages aren't styled.


2 - Also in terms of seo it looks like duplicate content


Sooo, my next thought was to automatically append the trailing slash, so that









auomatically. Therefore stopping a duplicate content problem and also meaning that my css will render properly.


So far reading around the many many articles and examples i've seen before i've come up with this:

RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !(.*)/$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://localhost/www.example.co.uk/$1/ [L,R=301] 



Which works in that 'about' does indeed become 'about/' and 'about/jonathon' does becomes 'about/jonathon/'


Regrettably, I always get a object not found 404 error! :mellow:


Which is not the desired effect, I am not particulary good, (in fact i'm not even remotely good at .htaccess) so can anyone help me out with this conundrum. I have been clearing my browser cache regulary as I tinker with it to make sure that it always using the most up to date .htaccess file.


Thanks in advance


Jonathon B)

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