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Whats the best way to handle Member to Member associations.


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Well I know the title isn't all to descript. So Ill try here. What I mean by member to member associations is. I am developing a system where my existing member base can befriend one another and have certain privileges if they share a connection vs if they don't. My issue is however whats the best way to store those associations. Should I have on a per member basis a single table with a couple columns per row, where one of the columns is a LONGTEXT that I can store a serialized array or some form of arrays worth of data in, or should I have a table where one row is one members id, the other row is the other members id and maybe a numeric switch of sorts that defines said association as valid/pending/otherwise. I dont expect my members to befriends 10s of thousands of other people on the site but I expect each member possibly getting into the range of several hundred shared friendships per user.


I think I would go like facebook and issue a limit 5,000 max friends (maybe as high a number as that sounds) but who knows maybe I wont have a cap. Also I am intent on doing similar connections, hey your 2 friends are friends with this person do you know this person as well.. So all in all I am trying to figure out what the best way is to handle data in a situation like this, that won't in time put a massive load on the DB,


Im thinking my best bet is row to row like

  member1 | member2 | active | datetime


but in all im looking for suggestions.

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