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I had this page working fine where it retrieves a set of images from the database depending on what thumbnail was click on the previous page. Now I am trying to add an edit and delete button to each of the pictures and it will not display any of it now!


This is the code I am using:

	$id = $_GET[id];

$max_items = 16; /* max number of news items to show */

$db = mysql_connect (DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASSWORD);
if(!$db) {
	die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db (DB_DATABASE,$db);

function displayNews($all = 0) {
    global $db, $max_items;
    if ($all2 == 0) {
        /* query for news up to $max_items */
        $query13 = "SELECT image,id,description,projectcode,thumbnail " . 
                 "FROM project WHERE projectcode='$id' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $max_items";
    } else {
        /* query for all news */
        $query13 = "SELECT image,id,description,projectcode,thumbnail " . 
                 "FROM project WHERE projectcode='$id' ORDER BY id DESC";
    $result13 = mysql_query($query13) or print("<p>Error fetching entries from the database, error: " .	"Statement: " .	$query13 . "</p>" . mysql_error());

    while ($row13 = mysql_fetch_array($result13)) {
        $title = htmlentities ($row13['description']);
        $news = nl2br (strip_tags ($row13['projectcode'], '<a><b><i><u>'));
	$image = $row13['image'];
	$thumbnail = $row13['thumbnail'];
	$id = $row13['id'];
        /* display the data */

        echo "<div class='portfolioproject'>";?>

        <div class='boxgrid captionfull'>
			<a id="<?php echo $id ?>" class="example_group" href="images/gallery/<?php echo $image ?>" title="<?php echo $title ?>" rel="gallery"><img alt="" src="images/gallery/<?php echo $thumbnail ?>" width="122px" height="122px"</a>	

	//Check whether the session variable SESS_MEMBER_ID is present or not

	if(isset($_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID']) || (!trim($_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID']) == '')) {
		echo "<form class='editbtn' action='editportfolio.php' method='POST'>";
		echo "<input type='hidden' name='idf' value='$id' />";
		echo "<input src='images/editbtn.png' type='image' value='Edit' />";
		echo "</form>";
		echo "<form class='editbtn' action='deleteportfolio.php' method='POST'>";
		echo "<input type='hidden' name='ide' value='$id' />";
		echo "<input src='images/delbtn.png' type='image' value='Delete' />";
		echo "</form>";
	} else {
		echo "";

	echo "</div>";

    /* if not displaying all news, give a link to do so */
    if ($all == 0) {
        echo "<div class='show_all'><a class='show' href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" .
             "?action=all\">Show all</a></div>\n";

/* this is where the script decides what do do */

echo "\n";
switch($_GET['action']) {

    case 'all':
echo "\n";

//Check whether the session variable SESS_MEMBER_ID is present or not
if(isset($_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID']) || (!trim($_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID']) == '')) {
echo "<span class='show_all'>";
echo "<a class='show' href='admincp.php'>  Admin</a>";
echo "</span>";
echo "<span class='show_all'>";
echo "<a class='show' href='logout.php'> Logout</a>";
echo "</span>";
} else {
echo "";


No error messages are displayed, only the 'show all' button, and the 'admin' and 'logout' buttons if signed in!


Any help on this would be much appreciated!


Thank you



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I spy with my little eye...

Line 19: where does $all2 come from? It's not in your global statement, so it can't get it from outside the function, and it's not being set inside it either.

    if ($all2 == 0) {

Lines 46-48: an <img> tag that never ends, two ending tags for the <a>, and an ending brace that's out of place (I'm guessing you don't need it anyways).

				<a id="<?php echo $id ?>" class="example_group" href="images/gallery/<?php echo $image ?>" title="<?php echo $title ?>" rel="gallery"><img alt="" src="images/gallery/<?php echo $thumbnail ?>" width="122px" height="122px"</a>


Hey! Cheers for those mistakes I had in the code, I've changed all the ones you pointed out and she still isn't working!


The code now is this:


	$id = $_GET[id];

$max_items = 16; /* max number of news items to show */

$db = mysql_connect (DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PASSWORD);
if(!$db) {
	die('Failed to connect to server: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db (DB_DATABASE,$db);

function displayNews($all = 0) {
    global $db, $max_items;
    if ($all == 0) {
        /* query for news up to $max_items */
        $query13 = "SELECT image,id,description,projectcode,thumbnail " . 
                 "FROM project WHERE projectcode='$id' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT $max_items";
    } else {
        /* query for all news */
        $query13 = "SELECT image,id,description,projectcode,thumbnail " . 
                 "FROM project WHERE projectcode='$id' ORDER BY id DESC";
    $result13 = mysql_query($query13) or print("<p>Error fetching entries from the database, error: " .	"Statement: " .	$query13 . "</p>" . mysql_error());

    while ($row13 = mysql_fetch_array($result13)) {
        $title = htmlentities ($row13['description']);
        $news = nl2br (strip_tags ($row13['projectcode'], '<a><b><i><u>'));
	$image = $row13['image'];
	$thumbnail = $row13['thumbnail'];
	$id = $row13['id'];
        /* display the data */

        echo "<div class='portfolioproject'>";?>
	<div class='boxgrid captionfull'>
			<a id="<?php echo $id ?>" class="example_group" href="images/gallery/<?php echo $image ?>" title="<?php echo $title ?>" rel="gallery"><img alt="" src="images/gallery/<?php echo $thumbnail ?>" width="122px" height="122px"/></a>	

	//Check whether the session variable SESS_MEMBER_ID is present or not

	if(isset($_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID']) || (!trim($_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID']) == '')) {
		echo "<form class='editbtn' action='editportfolio.php' method='POST'>";
		echo "<input type='hidden' name='idf' value='$id' />";
		echo "<input src='images/editbtn.png' type='image' value='Edit' />";
		echo "</form>";
		echo "<form class='editbtn' action='deleteportfolio.php' method='POST'>";
		echo "<input type='hidden' name='ide' value='$id' />";
		echo "<input src='images/delbtn.png' type='image' value='Delete' />";
		echo "</form>";
	} else {
		echo "";

	echo "</div>";

    /* if not displaying all news, give a link to do so */
    if ($all == 0) {
        echo "<div class='show_all'><a class='show' href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}" .
             "?action=all\">Show all</a></div>\n";

/* this is where the script decides what do do */

echo "\n";
switch($_GET['action']) {

    case 'all':
echo "\n";

//Check whether the session variable SESS_MEMBER_ID is present or not
if(isset($_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID']) || (!trim($_SESSION['SESS_MEMBER_ID']) == '')) {
echo "<span class='show_all'>";
echo "<a class='show' href='admincp.php'>  Admin</a>";
echo "</span>";
echo "<span class='show_all'>";
echo "<a class='show' href='logout.php'> Logout</a>";
echo "</span>";
} else {
echo "";


You or anyone else see what it could be?

Thanks for the help so far!

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