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Using Multiple Constraints on Foreign Key.


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Hi. I have two tables:


instructor_dates: instructor_id, calendar_date

client_dates: instructor_id, client_id, calendar_date.


I want to add a foreign key constraint that checks for the following:


When inserting into client_dates, does calendar_date exists where the instructor_id = <whatever>;


I would like this to be implemented as a constraint as I can write sql to check this prior to insertion, but I want the rule to apply to the other people who are working on this project. Not keeping the two tables in sync (for example client_date exists where an instructor date does not) could cause problems and I wan't to be able to ensure that is the case.


In short, I am asking how to create a foreign key constraint on multiple fields.






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What is it with me always answering my own questions, only minutes after I ask them? I sit there pondering a question and researching it for hours (Well, ok this time it was only 1.25 hours) until I decide to post it to this forum, only to have a spark of inspiration 5 minutes later, and solve my own question.


Oh, well.


Here is the solution. Add a foreign key constraint like this:

CONSTRAINT `client_dates_ibfk_5` FOREIGN KEY (`instructor_id`, `calendar_date`) REFERENCES `instructor_dates` (`instructor_id`, `calendar_date`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE


'til next time,





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