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I need to extract shopping cart transaction information from a database, convert it to json format and send to another DB.  Because the fields are not a direct match the calculated values are first bing put into variables.  I'm extracting the line items from the database into an array and looping through the array to get each line item which I want to then insert into another array as a sub array.  By the way, I'm new at PHP so be gentle.  The first step I've coded as:


 foreach ($oit_array as $inner1) {

    //  Check type
    if (!is_array($inner1)) {$inner1 = array($inner1);}
//calculate amounts required in variables

  else $linetaxrate=($inner1[orderitem_final_price]-$inner1[orderitem_tax])/$inner1[orderitem_tax];
             $linearray[] = array("LinePrice"=>$lineprice,
                                                      "LineTaxRate"=> $linetaxrate,
                                                      "LineTaxTotal"=>  $linetaxtotal,
                                                      "OrderQty"=>  $orderqty,
                                                      "ProductName"=> $productname,
                                                      "QtyShipped"=> $orderqty,
                                                      "TotalLineAmount"=> $totallineamount,


I then reference the array as $linearray as follows:


 //Create Array
array ("type"=> "TCashSale",
       "fields"=>array ("CustomerName"=>$customername,
               "Lines"=> array("type"=> "TCashSaleLine",
                        "fields"=> $linearray)),
                                       "fields"=>array("Amount"=> $amount,
                                                  "PayMethod"=> $paymentmethod)));


The problem that I have is that the resulting array contains square brackets around the "linearray" data like so:


{"type":"TCashSale","fields":{"CustomerName":"Cash Customer","ShipToDesc":"Rod Farrell\n\r1234 Short St\n\r\n\rSlackville Queensland 4001","Lines":{"type":"TCashSaleLine","fields":[{"LinePrice":54.54545,"LinePriceInc":54.54545,


What am I doing wrong??

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