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I'm creating a quick survey app for my son's cub scout pack's end-of-year surveys.  There are two sets of questions: those where they want the responses to be completely anonymous and those questions where we need to know who filled out the response (people volunteering for positions, etc)


I'm storing the responses in the db as two separate arrays, $anon and $nonAnon

$anon[0] will be an array containing all the questions:

$anon[0][0] = Survey question # 1

$anon[0][1] = Survey question #2, etc.


The responses will be stored as arrays and placed in $anon as the 2nd element:

$anon[1][0][0] = first response, answer to the first question

$anon[1][0][1] = first resopnse, answer to the 2nd question

$anon[1][1][0] = 2nd response, answer to the 1st question



The pack leadership is concerned that no one would be able to reconstruct which anon response belonged to whom by matching up the order of the anon answers with the non-anon answers.  Therefore I'd like to shuffle at least the anon responses.


The long answer would be to build a temp array using the elements in $anon[1] and then shuffle that array and then reassign it to $anon[1].

Is there a way to use shuffle directly on $anon[1] without having to build a temporary array, shuffling it, then replacing the elements of $anon[1]?



This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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