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Multiple id's in a single field?


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I'm looking for the best practice to assign multiple blooming colors to a plant.  For example a Yarrow plant blooms white and yellow flowers.  I have a plant table and plant color table (among others) which look like:



id, plant, color

1, Yarrow, ??



id, color

1, yellow

2, white

3, red



?? Can I put multiple color Id's in a single field for color in the plantTable or is there a better practice for something like this?


Thanks so much for your help.





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Putting multiple ids in one field makes it very difficult to do a JOIN (it is possible, but is very nasty code and just about unreadable). It is a common mistake people make when starting with SQL.


Use a link table. Don't have the colour in the plant table. In the link table you have multiple rows per flower, one for each colour.


All the best



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Thanks Keith,


So would this link table look like the following?:




flower id, red, whtie, green yellow, purple,...



I include the flower id and put a #1 if the flower has that blooming color?  Something like this or are you thinking of different?






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You would have a row for each entry -


plant_id, color_id
23          1
23          2


If you need to add a new color (i.e. lavender, Indigo, ...) you would just add that color to the color table and then use that color_id where needed in the above table. The scheme you proposed would require that you alter the table and add a column in order to add a new color. You should never find yourself needing to dynamically add a column to a table just because a new value is being used (that is referred to as spread-sheet thinking and it results in bad database designs.)


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