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I'm pretty new to php (as in I suck at it) so please bear with me. I have an entire site within a frame so that the domain name always shows up, without anything after it. Within the site I have a page using the "winxp progress bar" javascript that pops up a java notification and then redirects to another page when the user clicks the "OK" button - when this happens, I'd like to break the frame so that the full URL of the new page is displayed. In HTML this would be target="_top" but I'm not sure how to do it here. Here is the code for the entire page:



<script language="javascript" src="xp_progress.js"> 

* WinXP Progress Bar- By Brian Gosselin- http://www.scriptasylum.com/
* Script featured on Dynamic Drive- http://www.dynamicdrive.com
* Please keep this notice intact


<body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="blue" vlink="purple" alink="red"> 
<table border="0" width="804" align="center"> 
        <td width="794" align="center"> 
	<h2 align="center"><font face="Verdana">Searching for  <?php echo $_GET['id'];?>  ...</font></h2> 
<p align="center"> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 

function redirectpage(){
alert('<?php echo $_GET['id'];?> Found!');

var bar3= createBar(400,15,'white',1,'black','green',125,7,2,"redirectpage()");




"lp.php" is the final page and the one that should break the frame. I'm not sure whether this should be done inside the redirect on this page, or if it should be done inside lp.php. lp.php is just another redirect (there used to be some more things on it but I took them all out and had too many links pointing to it to bother changing them all). This is the entire contents of lp.php:


   header("Location: http://www.[urlremoved].com");


I'm assuming it would be easier to put the frame break on this page, but I really have no idea. If someone can help me with it I'd really appreciate it.

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