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"Freak" is soooo apropos to the conversation concerning what you have to be in order to do this PHP stuff (and do it right). What else could you be?


Amid my slow, painful, freakish morph (and the whole process of "becoming..."), I am the Marketing & Interactive Media Manager for a local shoe store. It is a small shoe store that hired me to do things that I couldn't get larger companies to agree to. Times are changing, huh?


Before this, I thought I had an agency.  But when I found out I didn't want an agency, I realized I didn't have one after all--no matter how many business cards I passed out. In reality, I just have some specific and proprietary stuff I'd like to do for myself and my boss. That aside, my ultimate reason for being here is that I love php (and programming as a whole). Additionally, it means more to me to be able to do what I want to do with the language and watch hit happen than it does to make money. Besides, coding is therapeutic.


Thanks for being here. I will donate regularly, because it's the right thing to do (in my opinion).


Talk to you, soon...

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