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hey guys, thanks for your help with my inserting of one to many, i am now creating the update script and have run into a problem.

i have checkboxes that appearing correctly and are either checked or unchecked, i am having troubles getting the changes to these checkboxes updated into the database, ???

here is my checkbox code..
<input name="size_id[]" type="checkbox" id="size_id[]" value="">

here is my update code..
if (isset($_POST['size_id'])){
foreach ($_POST['size_id'] as $size_id) {
echo "checkbox value checked: " .$size_id ."<BR>";

  //Delete from sizesball (the join table) only those that have been deselected

  if ($size_id <> "") {
  $updateSQL2 = sprintf("DELETE * FROM balls_sizes WHERE size_id not in(%s) and ball_id=%s",
                      GetSQLValueString($_POST['ball_id'], "int"));

  mysql_select_db($database_cnnTest, $cnnTest);
  $Result2 = mysql_query($updateSQL2, $cnnTest) or die(mysql_error());

  //Now insert any newly selected sizes into sizesball

foreach ($_POST['size_id'] as $size_id) {

//First check to see if that size is already in the table sizesball

mysql_select_db($database_cnnTest, $cnnTest);
$query_rssizesballs = sprintf("SELECT size_id, ball_id FROM balls_sizes where ball_id =%s and size_id = %s",
                        GetSQLValueString($_POST['ball_id'], "int"), $size_id);

$rssizesballs = mysql_query($query_rssizesballs, $cnnTest) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rssizesballs = mysql_fetch_assoc($rssizesballs);
$totalRows_rssizesballs = mysql_num_rows($rssizesballs);

//If the recordset is empty, we can insert a new record

if($totalRows_rssizesballs == 0) {
  $updateSQL3 = sprintf("INSERT INTO balls_sizes (ball_id,size_id) VALUES (%s,%s)", 
GetSQLValueString($_POST['ball_id'], "int"), $size_id);
  $Result3 = mysql_query($updateSQL3, $cnnTest) or die(mysql_error());

ok, i am trying to do an update on an item, in my case a ball, this ball can come in one to  many sizes.

I have all the fields updating but when it comes to the sizes for the ball, this information is stored into a joining table that contains the balls id i am updating as well as the size id, this allows the one to many relationship to work.

Now i have the page showing the size checkboxes, they display properly as either checked or unchecked, what i am trying to do is get this information shown by the checkboxes into the database.

My method to do this (which could be totally off the pace) was to

- Delete from sizesball (the join table) only those that have been deselected

- Now insert any newly selected sizes into sizesball - first checking if the size/ball is already in the table in which case we don't need to insert it..

hope this helps!

You need values in your checkbox really as you won't be able to distinguish between size...

[code]<input type="checkbox" name="size_id[]" id="size_id[]" value="Large">
<input type="checkbox" name="size_id[]" id="size_id[]" value="Medium">
<input type="checkbox" name="size_id[]" id="size_id[]" value="Small">
If they're checked they return the value in value, if they're not, then they don't.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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