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General PHP Help / CSV to Html tables and sorted into Categorys (headings) By Al

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i've been able to load up a csv file and display it as a html table but what i'm having trouble with is sorting it out with headings a to z but what i am trying to do is have 4 columns like this.


Surgestions about how to do what im after i was hoping i could span the say A across all columns and centering them in the future also but thats not really the problem mainly the getting the array of the csv file and code right iguess. any help would be appreciated







This is the code for inputting of the csv file i also have some other code i was wanting to use for the sorting of the array data from the csv file i'll past below....





$file = "widgets.csv";

$delimiter = ",";

$enclosure = '"';

$column = array("", "", "", "");



@$fp = fopen($file, "r") or die("Could not open file for reading");

while (!feof($fp))


    $tmpstr = fgets($fp, 100);

    $line[] = preg_replace("/r/", "", $tmpstr);


for ($i=0; $i < count($line); $i++)


    $line[$i] = explode($delimiter, $line[$i]);





    <title>Albert's Delimited Text to HTML Table Converter</title>

  <link href="css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />




<table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0">



        for ($i=0; $i<count($column); $i++)

            echo "<th>".$column[$i]."</th>";




for ($i=0; $i < count($line); $i++)


    echo "<tr>";

    for ($j=0; $j < count($line[$i]); $j++)


        echo "<td>".$line[$i][$j]."</td>";


    echo "</tr>";










Heres the code for the sorting of the table data from the array







if(isset($_GET['sortby']))$sortby = $_GET['sortby'];

if(isset($_GET['rev']))$rev = $_GET['rev'];



//Open and read CSV file example has four columns


$ff=fopen('widgets2.csv','r') or die("Can't open file");






//Make columns sortable for each sortable column

foreach ($Data as $key => $row) {

  $One[$key]  = $row[0]; // could be $row['Colname']

  $Two[$key] = $row[1]; //numeric example

  $Three[$key] = $row[2];

  $Four[$key] = $row[3];} //numeric example



//Case Statements for Sorting

  switch ($sortby){

  case "0":

  if($rev=="1")array_multisort($One, SORT_NUMERIC, $Data); //SORT_NUMERIC optional

  else array_multisort($One, SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_DESC,$Data);




  case "1":

  if($rev=="1")array_multisort($Two,  $Data);

  else array_multisort($Two, SORT_DESC, $Data);




  case "2":

  if($rev=="1")array_multisort($Three, SORT_NUMERIC, $Data);

  else array_multisort($Three, SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_DESC,$Data);




  case "3":

  if($rev=="1")array_multisort($Four,  $Data);

  else array_multisort($Four,  SORT_DESC, $Data);




echo ("<table border=2>");    //$rev is reverse variable 

echo ("<th><a href=\"SortTable.php?sortby=0&rev=$rev\" title=\"Click to Sort/Reverse sort\">One</a></th>");

echo ("<th><a href=\"SortTable.php?sortby=1&rev=$rev\" title=\"Click to Sort/Reverse sort\">Two</a></th>");

echo ("<th><a href=\"SortTable.php?sortby=2&rev=$rev\" title=\"Click to Sort/Reverse sort\">Three</a></th>");

echo ("<th><a href=\"SortTable.php?sortby=3&rev=$rev\" title=\"Click to Sort/Reverse sort\">Four</a></th>");



foreach($Data as $NewDat){

if($NewDat[0]!=""){ //error trap


foreach($NewDat as $field)$str.="<td>$field</td>";


echo $str;}}


echo "</table>";

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