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Hi guys,


Was wondering if anyone can help me with this. Here's what I'm trying to do:


I've retrieved values from table a from mysql and post them on a form.


echo "<tr><td>" .$row['id']. "</td><td>" .$row['name']. "<input type='hidden' name=name[] value=" .$row['name']. "></td><td><select name='item[]'><option value ='' selected='selected'>Please Select</option><option value ='1'>1</option><option value ='2'>2</option><option value ='3'>3</option></td></tr>";


and now i'm trying to display these information one more time on a different page. So I did the usual retrieval


$name = $_POST['name']; 
$item = $_POST['item']; 


Then I'm using foreach loop to retrieve the item values.


foreach ($item as $getitem => $value)     
echo "<tr><td>"; 
echo $value; 
echo "</td></tr>"; 


Here is where I'm stumped. What's the best way to associate the name to the item.


while loop?


Thanks for the help.

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They'll be in a numerically-indexed array, so you can use a for() loop to go through them...


I was thinking the same thing - but if the form is manipulated in any way to submit less names than items or vice versa then the numeric indices won't match up.  Not sure how serious this is in the context of the application though...


Something for the OP to think about anyway.

I got it.


I had to rewrite the table view using for loop and do the counting since the form is dynamic.


and so the table view will be like:


echo "<tr><td>" .$row['id']. "</td><td>" .$row['name']. "<input type='hidden' name='varname[" .$j. "][" .$i. "]'  value='" .$row['name']. "'></td><td><select name='quantity[" .$j. "][" .$i. "]'><option value ='0' selected='selected'>0</option><option value ='1'>1</option><option value ='2'>2</option><option value ='3'>3</option></td></tr>";


then you do the usual array retrieval

and to spew it back out...

for($j=1; $j<=count($itemname); $j++)
	for ($i=0; $i<count($itemname[$j]); $i++) 
		$getvalues1 = $itemname[$j][$i];
		$getvalues2 = $itemquantity[$j][$i];
    		echo "<li>";
    		echo "<input type='text' name='itemname' value='" .$getvalues1. "' readonly='readonly'>";
    		echo "</li>";
    		echo "<li>";
    		echo "<input type='text' name='itemquantity' value='" .$getvalues2. "' readonly='readonly'>";


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