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I am working on a site and have hit a bit of brick wall.


I use a little custom CMS i have built up and for this project i need to have a lot of different menus which i need to call from the CMS, which runs from a database.


Basically, at the minute i include them from the page, but would like it to be controlled through the CMS via place holders eg: {{rightHandMenu}}


Is there something that i can do so when the data is pulled from the db i use maybe a find a replace, that can sniff out that phrase, then parse with php to be eg: include 'blocks/rightHandMenu.php';


Im on a shared server and dont want to rewrite the whole site so i presume smarty is out of the window...?


Sorry its a bit wordy. :)

Thanks for reading!!

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Or str_replace(), if you are replacing fixed strings with other fixed strings.  You would most likely read in all the replacement values and use str_replace() on each one if using that approach.


preg_replace() has more advanced features, such as being able to call a function for each replacement, with the 'e' modifier.  That would allow you to include a different file depending on which tag was found, for example.

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thanks alot guys.


could you possibly please give me some idea of how to implement?


obviously it would be something along these lines:


$placeholders = array('{{rightHandMenu}}', '{{leftBox}}');
$vals = array('include1', 'include2');
$str = str_replace($placeholders, $vals, $body);


but how do i do the includes? i cant store them in a variable, and putting them straight in the array comes back with an error.


i am unfamiliar with preg_replace, but am going to research today.



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oh, maybe not.


i think my page is performing the include within the array.


$placeholders = array('{{leftHandMenu}}', '{{leftBox}}');
$includes = array(include $root_dir . $html_dir . $includes_dir . 'blocks/leftHandMenu.php', 'include2');
echo str_replace($placeholders, $includes, stripslashes($body)); ?>


so when it reads the include statement, it actually parses it and performs the include, then when it reads the str_replace it just outputs 1.


any thoughts?

thanks. Joe.

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sorted. :)

but it isnt pretty!!


ill just dump the code here for anyone who wants to know:


$placeholders = array('{{leftHandMenu}}', '{{leftBox}}'); //what you want to find
$includes = array(getLefthandMenu($body), 'include2'); //what you want to replace with, respectively
echo str_replace($placeholders, $includes, stripslashes($body)); //perform find and replace



function getLeftHandMenu($body) {
if(strpos($body, '{leftHandMenu}}')){ //had to miss out the first '{' cos otherwise strpos returns 0, which seems false
$leftHandMenuFile = '/fullpath/includes/blocks/leftHandMenu.php'; //full path to file you want to include
$leftHandMenuFileOpen = fopen($leftHandMenuFile, 'r'); //open with read perms
$leftHandMenu = fread($leftHandMenuFileOpen, filesize($leftHandMenuFile)); //read file
$evalLefthandMenu = eval('?>'.$leftHandMenu); //if file has php, use this to parse the php
fclose($leftHandMenuFileOpen); //good practise to close file after use
echo $evalLefthandMenu; //return the findings!


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