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Here is my current navmenu.php i pulls category names from a table and makes them links so if you add a category later, it's automatically added to the menu.

That part works.

The problem I am running into now, is that i want the the links to store $row1 data via GET (I know its a lot to store there, but it's how im doing it this time around)

I thought the following code would successfully store the data i wanted, but when i looked at my viewlistings.php no information is showing up.



$dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);

$query = "SELECT * FROM ob_category";
$data = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);

$query1 = "SELECT * FROM ob_listings";
$data1 = mysqli_query($dbc, $query1);
$row1 = mysqli_fetch_array($data1);

$links = array();
     $links[] =  '<a href="viewlistings.php?listing_id=' . $row1['listing_id'] . '&subject=' . $row1['subject'] .
      '&description=' . $row1['description'] . '&price=' . $row1['price'] .  '&user_id=' . $row1['user_id'] . '&category_id=' . $row1['category_id'] . '&date=' . $row1['date'] . '&city=' . $row1['city'] . '&state=' . $row1['state'] .'">' . $row['name'] . '</a>';

echo implode(' &#8226; ', $links);

echo '<hr />';



if (isset($_GET['listing_id']) && isset($_GET['subject']) && isset($_GET['description']) && isset($_GET['price']) && isset($_GET['user_id']) && isset($_GET['category_id']) && isset($_GET['date']) && isset($_GET['city']) && isset($_GET['state'])) {
    // Grab the score data from the GET
    $listing_id = $_GET['listing_id'];
    $subject = $_GET['subject'];
    $description = $_GET['description'];
$price = $_GET['price'];
    $user_id = $_GET['user_id'];
    $category_id = $_GET['category_id'];
$date = $_GET['date'];
    $city = $_GET['city'];
    $state = $_GET['state'];
    // Connect to the database 
  $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); 

  // Retrieve the user data from MySQL
  $query = 'SELECT * FROM ob_listings WHERE category_id="' . $category_id . '" ORDER BY date DESC';
  $data = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
  // Loop through the array of user data, formatting it as HTML
  echo '<h4>' . $cateory_id . ':</h4>';
  echo '<table><tr><td><strong>Listing</strong></td><td><strong>Location</strong></td><td><strong>Date Posted</strong></td><td><strong>Price</strong></td></tr>';
  while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data)) { 
echo '<tr><td><a href="listingdetails.php?listing_id=' . $row['listing_id'] . '&subject=' . $row['subject'] . '&description=' . $row['description'] . '&price=' . $row['price'] . '&date=' . $row['date'] . '&city=' . $row['city'] . '&state=' . $row['state'] . '&user_id=' . $row['user_id'] . '&category_id=' . $row['category_id'] . '"> ' . $row['subject'] . '</a></td>';
echo '<td><a href="listingdetails.php?listing_id=' . $row['listing_id'] . '&subject=' . $row['subject'] . '&description=' . $row['description'] . '&price=' . $row['price'] . '&date=' . $row['date'] . '&city=' . $row['city'] . '&state=' . $row['state'] . '&user_id=' . $row['user_id'] . '&category_id=' . $row['category_id'] . '"> ' . $row['city'] . ', ' . $row['state'] . '</a></td>';
echo '<td><a href="listingdetails.php?listing_id=' . $row['listing_id'] . '&subject=' . $row['subject'] . '&description=' . $row['description'] . '&price=' . $row['price'] . '&date=' . $row['date'] . '&city=' . $row['city'] . '&state=' . $row['state'] . '&user_id=' . $row['user_id'] . '&category_id=' . $row['category_id'] . '"> ' . $row['date'] . '</a></td>';
echo '<td><a href="listingdetails.php?listing_id=' . $row['listing_id'] . '&subject=' . $row['subject'] . '&description=' . $row['description'] . '&price=' . $row['price'] . '&date=' . $row['date'] . '&city=' . $row['city'] . '&state=' . $row['state'] . '&user_id=' . $row['user_id'] . '&category_id=' . $row['category_id'] . '"> ' . $row['price'] . '</a></td></tr>';
  echo '</table>';


I would REALLY REALLY appreciate it if someone could help me get this working... its the last part of my site i need to get working before i turn it in thursday.

thanks in advance :)

Im almost positive that the problem is in navmenu.php because when I click on the links all the fields are empty in the URL.

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no, it just displays the first entry it gets on all links...im still unsure of why it

i thought "maybe storing the get results as variables in viewlistings.php might lock in JUST the first result" so i tried pulling the info from get everytime i needed it, instead of assigning it a value...

still the same problem...

here is what i changed viewlistings.php to with still no luck...this way they continue to just show the first result

if (isset($_GET['listing_id']) && isset($_GET['subject']) && isset($_GET['description']) && isset($_GET['price']) && isset($_GET['user_id']) && isset($_GET['category_id']) && isset($_GET['date']) && isset($_GET['city']) && isset($_GET['state'])) {
   /* // Grab the score data from the GET
    $listing_id = $_GET['listing_id'];
    $subject = $_GET['subject'];
    $description = $_GET['description'];
$price = $_GET['price'];
    $user_id = $_GET['user_id'];
    $category_id = $_GET['category_id'];
$date = $_GET['date'];
    $city = $_GET['city'];
    $state = $_GET['state'];*/
    // Connect to the database 
  $dbc = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME); 

  // Retrieve the user data from MySQL
  $query = 'SELECT * FROM ob_listings WHERE category_id="' . $_GET['category_id'] . '" ORDER BY date DESC';
  $data = mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
  // Loop through the array of user data, formatting it as HTML
  echo '<h4>' . $_GET['category_id'] . ':</h4>';
  echo '<table><tr><td><strong>Listing</strong></td><td><strong>Location</strong></td><td><strong>Date Posted</strong></td><td><strong>Price</strong></td></tr>';
  while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($data)) { 
echo '<tr><td><a href="listingdetails.php?listing_id=' . $row['listing_id'] . '&subject=' . $row['subject'] . '&description=' . $row['description'] . '&price=' . $row['price'] . '&date=' . $row['date'] . '&city=' . $row['city'] . '&state=' . $row['state'] . '&user_id=' . $row['user_id'] . '&category_id=' . $row['category_id'] . '"> ' . $row['subject'] . '</a></td>';
echo '<td><a href="listingdetails.php?listing_id=' . $row['listing_id'] . '&subject=' . $row['subject'] . '&description=' . $row['description'] . '&price=' . $row['price'] . '&date=' . $row['date'] . '&city=' . $row['city'] . '&state=' . $row['state'] . '&user_id=' . $row['user_id'] . '&category_id=' . $row['category_id'] . '"> ' . $row['city'] . ', ' . $row['state'] . '</a></td>';
echo '<td><a href="listingdetails.php?listing_id=' . $row['listing_id'] . '&subject=' . $row['subject'] . '&description=' . $row['description'] . '&price=' . $row['price'] . '&date=' . $row['date'] . '&city=' . $row['city'] . '&state=' . $row['state'] . '&user_id=' . $row['user_id'] . '&category_id=' . $row['category_id'] . '"> ' . $row['date'] . '</a></td>';
echo '<td><a href="listingdetails.php?listing_id=' . $row['listing_id'] . '&subject=' . $row['subject'] . '&description=' . $row['description'] . '&price=' . $row['price'] . '&date=' . $row['date'] . '&city=' . $row['city'] . '&state=' . $row['state'] . '&user_id=' . $row['user_id'] . '&category_id=' . $row['category_id'] . '"> ' . $row['price'] . '</a></td></tr>';
  echo '</table>';

at this point im open for suggestions for a different way to make my links display only results with a value equal to their name using my navmenu.php file and my viewlistings.php file

Keep in mind that I do need to keep the information the link shows dynamic so that if a category is added to the table, a link is created automatically

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