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Hi there,


Im trying to build a drop down menu that has an if statement to determine the results, heres the code below:


  <option value="<?php echo $row_Planet['PlanetName']?>"<?php if ($row_Planet['PlanetName'] == 'Mon Calamari'){ 
echo"Denab" ?><?php echo $row_Planet['PlanetName']?></option>


Im really unsure of the syntax. If you could help that would be ace! Thanks :)

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well, besides the fact that your missing a semicolon, can you maybe tell what options you want and when so not code just say:


if this than that etc. right now i see only 2 potential options in your code:

1 If planet name is equal to mon calimari

2 echo Yavin

3 else

4 echo denab.


and are you sure you want a option list, because if you only have 2 options and you only going to show one, its a bit odd.

in addition to the above is this maybe useful for you?


$row_Planet['PlanetName'] = 'Mon Calamari'; // just some test input

if($row_Planet['PlanetName'] == 'Mon Calamari'){
    $value1 = 'Yavin';
    $value2 = 'Denab';
    $value1 = 'fatmonkeys';
    $value2 = 'gorilla\'s';

<select name="gorilla">
     <option><?php echo $value1; ?></option>
     <option><?php echo $value2; ?></option>


so instead of directly echo-ing a value i first set it to keep the html more readable.

Hi there thanks for the reply, the idea is that i have 6 planets and each planet has 2 possible static options in the menu.


1 If planet name is equal to mon calimari

2 echo Yavin

3 else

4 echo denab.


1 If planet name is equal to Yavin

2 echo Yagor Minor

3 else

4 echo Corella.... etc...


hope ive explained my self well enough.


Thanks :)

hmm in that case i rather use a swicth case. By the way I have a feeling your Idea of an if-statement is incorrect. If you have 2 static options per planet you need to echo out 2 or set 2 variables. I made something below that works. 6 planets to choose from and you can afterwards choose a race. Hope it's useful, and it encourages you to code the rest yourself a bit. since it's pretty self explanatory.


<form action="" method="post">
    <select name="PlanetName" size="6">
        <option>Mon Calimari</option>
    <input type="submit" value="go" name="submit" />


if(isset($_POST['submit']) && !empty($_POST['PlanetName'])){

$row_Planet['PlanetName'] = $_POST['PlanetName'];

        // get the value for this planet somewhere
        switch ($row_Planet['PlanetName']) {
            case 'Mon Calimari': //planet name
                $race1 = 'yavin'; //first static race
                $race2 = 'fatmonkeys'; //second static race
            case 'Earth':
                $race1 = 'Humans';
                $race2 = 'Dolphins';
            case 'Mars':
                $race1 = 'Snickers';
                $race2 = 'Milky ways';
            case 'Venus':
                $race1 = 'B**ches';
                $race2 = 'H*OOOs';
            case 'Zoo1':
                $race1 = 'Gorillas';
                $race2 = 'Banana\'s';
            case 'Zoo2':
                $race1 = 'Chimps';
                $race2 = 'Melons';
        }//end switch
$toggleoptions = true; // set a variable, to show or not show the race selector

// create a list after a planet has been chosen.
if(!empty($row_Planet['PlanetName'])&& $toggleoptions !== false){
    echo '<select name="race">';
    echo '<option>'.$race1.'</option>';
    echo '<option>'.$race2.'</option>';
    echo '</select>';

    echo 'select a planet!';


Hi there, thanks for your example.


I've put it all together:


	 <select name="PlanetName" size="6">
        <option>Mon Calamari</option>
        <option>Yagor Minor</option>

if(isset($_POST['submit']) && !empty($_POST['PlanetName'])){

$row_Planet['PlanetName'] = $_POST['PlanetName'];

        // get the value for this planet somewhere
        switch ($row_Planet['PlanetName']) {
            case 'Corella': //planet name
                $race1 = 'Dantooine'; //first static race
            case 'Dantooine':
                $race1 = 'Corella';
                $race2 = 'Yagor Minor';
           case 'Denab':
                $race1 = 'Yagor Minor';
                $race2 = 'Mon Calamari';
            case 'Mon Calamari':
                $race1 = 'Denab';
                $race2 = 'Yavin\'s';
		case 'Yagor Minor':
                $race1 = 'Dantooine';
                $race2 = 'Denab';
            case 'Yavin':
                $race1 = 'Mon Calamari';
        }//end switch
$toggleoptions = true; // set a variable, to show or not show the race selector

// create a list after a planet has been chosen.
if(!empty($row_Planet['PlanetName'])&& $toggleoptions !== false){
    echo '<select name="race">';
    echo '<option>'.$race1.'</option>';
    echo '<option>'.$race2.'</option>';
    echo '</select>';

    echo 'select a planet!';


As you can see two of the planets have only 1 option to choose from and ive catered for this.. Its not quite working though and is throwing undefined variable errors for $toggleoptions, $race1 and $race2.. Are they not defined in the switch above?


What a, i missing?


Thank you :)

I got it working using your earlier example using if statement:



if($row_Fleet['PlanetName'] == 'Mon Calamari'){
    $value1 = 'Yavin';
    $value2 = 'Denab';
} elseif ($row_Fleet['PlanetName'] == 'Denab'){
    $value1 = 'Mon Calamari';
    $value2 = 'Yagor Minor';

<select name="select">
     <option><?php echo $value1; ?></option>
     <option><?php echo $value2; ?></option>


I can now easily add more planets..


Thank you for your help.



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