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this is my code im getting an error message



Notice: Undefined offset: 20 in C:\wamp\www\examples\ideas\new2.php on line 33



			echo "<table>\n";

//Move through a CSV file, and output an associative array for each line
ini_set("auto_detect_line_endings", 1);
$current_row = 1;
$handle = fopen("widget.csv", "r");
while ( ($data = fgetcsv($handle, 10000, ",") ) !== FALSE )
    $number_of_fields = count($data);

 echo "<thead>\n<tr>";
    if ($current_row == 1)
    //Header line
        /* for ($c=0; $c < $number_of_fields; $c++) */

            $header_array[$d] = $data[$d];
			echo "<th>" . $data[$d] . "</th>";
	        echo "</tr>\n</thead>\n\n<tbody>";
    //Data line
        for ($c=1; $c < $number_of_fields; $c++)
	        echo "<tr>";

             $data_array[$c] = $data[$c];
			/* echo "<td>" . $data[$c] . "</td>"; */
	        echo "</tr>\n";

echo "</tbody>\n</table>";
echo $number_of_fields;
echo "<br />";
echo $current_row;



this is my csv file


A,Airlie Beach,Andergrove,Alexandra,Armstrong Beach,Alligator Creek,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

B,Bucasia,Blacks Beach,Beaconsfield,Bakers Creek,Balberra,Bloomsbury,Breadalbane,Ball Bay,Belmunda,,,,,,,,,,

C,Cannonvale,Calen,Crystal Brook,Cremorne,Chelona,Campwin Beach,Cape Hillsborough,Conway,,,,,,,,,,,

D,Dows Creek,Dumbleton,Dolphin Heads,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


F,Foulden,Foxdale,Flametree,Farleigh,Freshwater Point,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

G,Glen Isla,Glenella,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,

H,Homebush,Hampden,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,

I,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,

J,Jubilee Pocket,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,

K,Kinchant Dam,Kolijo,Koumala,Kuttabul,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,

L,Laguna Quays,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,

M,McEwens Beach,Mackay,Mackay Harbour,Mandalay,Marian,Mia Mia,Middlemount,Midge Point,Mirani,Moranbah,Mount Charlton,Mount Jukes,Mount Julian,Mount Marlow,Mount Martin,Mount Ossa,Mount Pelion,Mount Pleasant,Mount Rooper

N,Narpi,Nebo,Nindaroo,North Eton,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


P,Palmyra,Paget,Pindi Pindi,Pinevale,Pioneer Valley,Pleystowe,Preston,Proserpine,,,,,,,,,,,


R,Racecourse,Richmond,Riordanvale,Rosella,Rural View,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

S,St Helens Beach,Sandiford,Sarina,Seaforth,Slade Point,Shoal Point,Shute Harbour,Shutehaven,Strathdickie,Sugarloaf,Sunnyside,,,,,,,,

T,Te Kowai,The Leap,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


V,Victoria Plains,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,






Could anyone please help little stuck on why its causing this error.

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The error is because your for(){} loop consists entirely of the following two lines of code -

        for ($c=1; $c < $number_of_fields; $c++)
	        echo "<tr>";


Then you execute the $data_array[$c] = $data[$c]; statement after that for loop ends, but $c is equal to  $number_of_fields at that point in time, which doesn't exist.


You need to move that echo statement, either before the start of the for() loop or you need to move it inside the {} that you intended to be part of that for(){} loop.

i am having another problem thou i am trying to have it as the first column of the array output into the  table as




Airlie Beach, Alderly


Bucasia, Blacks Beach




and so on i thought i was on the right track but having difficulties getting this to happen any help would be appreciated



This is the output of how it stands so far.



Bucasia Blacks Beach Beaconsfield Bakers Creek Balberra Bloomsbury Breadalbane Ball Bay Belmunda

Cannonvale Calen Crystal Brook Cremorne Chelona Campwin Beach Cape Hillsborough Conway

Dows Creek Dumbleton Dolphin Heads

Eimeo Eton Erakala

Foulden Foxdale Flametree Farleigh Freshwater Point

Glen Isla Glenella

Homebush Hampden


Jubilee Pocket

Kinchant Dam Kolijo Koumala Kuttabul

Laguna Quays

McEwens Beach Mackay Mackay Harbour Mandalay Marian Mia Mia Middlemount Midge Point Mirani Moranbah Mount Charlton Mount Jukes Mount Julian Mount Marlow Mount Martin Mount Ossa Mount Pelion Mount Pleasant Mount Rooper

Narpi Nebo Nindaroo North Eton

Oakenden Ooralea

Palmyra Paget Pindi Pindi Pinevale Pioneer Valley Pleystowe Preston Proserpine


Racecourse Richmond Riordanvale Rosella Rural View

St Helens Beach Sandiford Sarina Seaforth Slade Point Shoal Point Shute Harbour Shutehaven Strathdickie Sugarloaf Sunnyside

Te Kowai The Leap


Victoria Plains

Wagoora Walkerston Woodwark



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