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yes you are right silk...i missed that he wants to keep all unicode letters as well....my mistake...codrgii...you could make it work with preg_replace...but it would take a while to gather all of the letters that you want to keep.you might want to try what silk suggests and take the most used unicode letters to add to your preg_replace filter

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Thanks for your help, but it still dosen't work, i don't know if i put this wrong, so i'll lay it out for you to see.


$unicode = "pízza1234";
preg_replace('/[^\x{0100}-\x{024F}]+/u', '', $unicode);
echo $unicode;


doing that returns nothing at all, it dosen't even show the basic a-z, 0-9.

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It's just too easy to do that, i'm aware of the function just not so with some unicode latin letters hence this topic, every thing you have said thus far has not worked, if you don't know yourself then please don't act like you do.  I appreciate your effort but theres irony in your last post.

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I did that becauseou bumped your thread which is against forum rules.


They have mods, why do you care?


if the comments if you would take the time to read that far down

Thanks for pointing that out, i found it but not what i originally asked for.


Does anyone know how to use latin a-b unicode with preg_replace?

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