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Input Text and choose font family, size and color, HEEEELLLPPPP!!!

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Hello Everyone,

                      I am a noob at PHP so please forgive me if my code is wrong. I have a strong understanding of HTML and CSS  just for the curious.


Question: Write a program that formats a block of text (to be input by the user) based on preferences chosen by the user. Give your user options for color of text, font choice and size. Display output on a new page. I would greatly appreciate someone's help. The text is showing up but not according to the options selected. I know there is something wrong with the output page.


Here is the Input Page (call it question4.php):





Please Enter Your Text</title>







<form method="post" action="question4display.php">


<p>Enter the text you want formatted please:


<input type="text" name="textformat" maxlength="30" size="30" />




<td><label for="font">Select Font:</label></td>

<td><select id="font" name="font">

<option value="Verdana">Verdana</option>

<option value="Arial">Arial</option>

<option value="Times New Roman">Times New Roman</option>






<td><label for ="size">Select Size:</label></td>

<td><select id="size" name="size">

<option value="10px">10px</option>

<option value="12px">12px</option>

<option value="14px">14px</option>

<option value="20px">20px</option>







<td><label for="color">Select Color:</label></td>

<td><select id="color" name="color">

<option value="green">Green</option>

<option value="blue">Blue</option>

<option value="red">Red</option>






<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" />










Here is the OUTPUT page (called it:question4display.php):






$_SESSION['textformat'] = $_POST['textformat'];

$_SESSION['font'] = $_POST['font'];

$_SESSION['size'] = $_POST['size'];

$_SESSION['color'] = $_POST['color'];










echo ' style="font-family: ' . $_POST['font'] . '; ';

echo 'font-size: ' . $_POST['size'] . '; ';

echo 'color: ' . $_POST['color'] . '; ';

?> >


echo $_POST['textformat'];









You need to close the " around the styles



$_SESSION['textformat'] = $_POST['textformat'];
$_SESSION['font'] = $_POST['font'];
$_SESSION['size'] = $_POST['size'];
$_SESSION['color'] = $_POST['color'];


<title>No title</title>
echo ' style="font-family: ' . $_POST['font'] . '; ';
echo 'font-size: ' . $_POST['size'] . '; ';
echo 'color: ' . $_POST['color'] . '; "';
?> >
echo $_POST['textformat'];


I still don't fully understand the logic with the  . ';" '; stuff

It is because you're outputting CSS. PHP and CSS statements must be ended with a semi-colon at the end of the line. A better way to code this

echo ' style="font-family: ' . $_POST['font'] . '; ';
echo 'font-size: ' . $_POST['size'] . '; ';
echo 'color: ' . $_POST['color'] . '; "';
?> >

Could be as

<p style="font-family: <?php echo $_POST['font'] ?>; font-size: <?php echo $_POST['size'] ?>; color: <?php echo $_POST['color']?>;">


This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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