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I've made a custom error handler, but it doesn't seem to work the same way on the dev and prod environments. Dev is windows/xampp, and prod is a standard LAMP install. Sometimes on prod I get a blank white screen and dev shows no errors. If I remove the error handler, everything goes back to normal. Just wondering if anyone sees something wrong here:


function my_error_handler ($e_number, $e_message, $e_file, $e_line, $e_vars)
        // email address to email errors to on the production environment
        $email_address = '[email protected]';

        switch ($e_number)
                case E_USER_ERROR:
                        $error_type = 'E_USER_ERROR';

                case E_USER_WARNING:
                        $error_type = 'E_USER_WARNING';

                case E_USER_NOTICE:
                        $error_type = 'E_USER_NOTICE';
                case E_WARNING:
                        $error_type = 'E_WARNING';

                case E_NOTICE:
                        $error_type = 'E_NOTICE';

                case E_STRICT:
                        $error_type = 'E_STRICT';

                        $error_type = 'UNKNOWN ERROR TYPE';

        $message = '<hr />PHP ' . $error_type . ' #' . $e_number . ' - Date/Time: ' . date('n/j/Y H:i:s') . "\n" .
                                '<br />File: <b>' . $e_file . "</b>\n" .
                                '<br />Line: <b>' . $e_line . "</b>\n" .
                                '<br /><b>' . $e_message . '</b><hr />';

        // Output for development environment
        if (stristr($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'localhost' ))
                echo $message;

        // Email for production environment
                error_log($message, 1, $email_address );

                if ( $e_number != E_NOTICE && $e_number < E_STRICT)
                        die('A system error occurred. We apologize for the inconvenience.');

        // Don't execute PHP internal error handler
        return true;

function my_error_handling()
        set_error_handler('my_error_handler', E_ALL);

As you have set_error_handler('my_error_handler', E_ALL); within your my_error_handling() function make sure you are calling that function in order for the error handler to work. Also in order for errors to be displayed you need to enable display_errors either within your script using ini_set or within your PHP configuration file (php.ini).


Also PHP will also log the errors within your servers error logs too. You can configure PHP to log errors to a dedicated file within the php.ini. You may be able set it with ini_se too.

Yes, the function is for sure being called. I'll need to check display_errors. What is odd is that most errors are being sent to me via email, which is a function of the custom error handler. There are just some instances where I'm getting a blank white screen, and removing the custom error handler seems to make that go away.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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