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I have an array of dates and then i have an array for rates/prices for the days of the week. For example

$rate = array();
$rate['monday'] = 91.11;
$rate['tuesday'] = 92.22;
$rate['wednesday'] = 93.33;
$rate['thursday'] = 94.44;
$rate['friday'] = 105.55;
$rate['saturday'] = 106.66;
$rate['sunday'] = 90.00;

$dateMonthYearArr = array();
       $datemonthYearArr['0'] = "2011-05-06";
       $datemonthYearArr['1'] = "2011-05-07";  
       $datemonthYearArr['2'] = "2011-05-08";
       $datemonthYearArr['3'] = "2011-05-09";
       $datemonthYearArr['4'] = "2011-05-10";
       $datemonthYearArr['5'] = "2011-05-11";
       $datemonthYearArr['6'] = "2011-05-12";


I have written this to sort through the $dateMonthYearArr to determine the dates day of the week

foreach ($dateMonthYearArr as $date) {
        $sum = 0;
$day = strtotime($date);
        $day_name = date("l", $day);
echo $day_name."<br>";


Now i'm trying to figure out how to work in the day rate array. I'd like to match up the $day_name of $dateMonthYearArr to the key of the rate array, grab that value and then add it to $sum.

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yes, it has to be in an array. Different price sets are stored in the database.  I use a function to query for a certain price set and return the values as an array. I'm using a mvc framework...thats why the syntax may look a little unfamiliar.



function get_rate_values($id)
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM Rates WHERE cal_id = '$id'");
$row = $query->row();
        $values['monday'] = $row->monday;
$values['tuesday'] = $row->tuesday;
$values['wednesday'] = $row->wednesday;
$values['thursday'] = $row->thursday;
$values['friday'] = $row->friday;
$values['saturday'] = $row->saturday;
$values['sunday'] = $row->sunday;
return $values;

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Try doing something like this.



$rate = array();
$rate['monday'] = 91.11;
$rate['tuesday'] = 92.22;
$rate['wednesday'] = 93.33;
$rate['thursday'] = 94.44;
$rate['friday'] = 105.55;
$rate['saturday'] = 106.66;
$rate['sunday'] = 90.00;

$dateMonthYearArr = array();
       $dateMonthYearArr[] = "2011-05-06";
       $dateMonthYearArr[] = "2011-05-07";  
       $dateMonthYearArr[] = "2011-05-08";
       $dateMonthYearArr[] = "2011-05-09";
       $dateMonthYearArr[] = "2011-05-10";
       $dateMonthYearArr[] = "2011-05-11";
       $dateMonthYearArr[] = "2011-05-12";

$sum = 0;
foreach ($dateMonthYearArr as $date) {
$day = strtotime($date);
$day_name = strtolower( date("l", $day) );
$sum += $rate[$day_name];
// debug
echo "$date is a $day_name and {$rate[$day_name]} was added to the sum ($sum)<br />";

echo "Total sum: $sum";



Edit - If you're going to ask for help PLEASE make sure we don't have to fix minor typing errors in your examples. $dateMonthYearArr != $datemonthYearArr


Also, you can simplify


$day = strtotime($date);

$day_name = strtolower( date("l", $day) );


To simply


$day_name = strtolower( date("l", strtotime($date) ) );


You save defining a variable, which though minuscule, saves memory. Good practice if you don't need to use the value later.

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Is this what you are looking for?



	Written By: SMS Marketeers
	Website: http://www.smsmarketeers.com

	Using two arrays, use the name of the day to return the price for that day.

	Database Structure



<title>Day Pricing using Arrays</title>
<style type="text/css">
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	.container		{ margin:0px auto; width:300px; }
	.success		{ background:#EEF5CD; border:1px dashed #9AB324; color:#608339; margin-bottom:5px; padding:5px 5px 5px 25px; text-align:left; }
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	table.data th				{ background:#9AB324; border-bottom:1px solid #596E0E; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; padding:5px; text-align:center; }
	table.data td				{ border-bottom:1px solid #dddddd; padding:5px; }
	table.data td.rowOne		{ background:#f5f5f5; }
	table.data td.rowTwo		{ background:#eeeeee; }
	table.data td.button		{ background:#ffffff; border:none; text-align:right; }

<div class="container">

	$arrDays = array("sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday");
	$arrPrices = array("sunday" => "$1.00", "monday" => "$2.00", "tuesday" => "$3.00", "wednesday" => "$4.00", "thursday" => "$5.00", "friday" => "$6.00", "saturday" => "$7.00");


<form action="" method="POST" name="form" id="form">
	<div class="attention">Using two arrays, use the name of the day to return the price for that day.</div>

	<table align="center" border="0px" cellpadding="0px" cellspacing="1px" class="data" width="300px">
			<th>Day of the Week</th>

			$rowOne = 'rowOne';
			$rowTwo = 'rowTwo';
			$rowCount = 0;

		<?php foreach ($arrDays as $day) { ?>
			<?php $rowClass = ($rowCount % 2) ? $rowTwo : $rowOne; ?>
				<td class="<?php echo $rowClass; ?>"><?php echo ucwords($day); ?></td>
				<td class="<?php echo $rowClass; ?>"><?php echo $arrPrices[$day]; ?></td>
			<?php $rowCount++; ?>
		<?php } ?>


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