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Query to Exclude Certain Results


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I have a table with a comments column.  Some of those comments contain bad words.  How can I exclude the whole row if these certain words exist in the comments column?  Here is my query before the modification i'm talking about above.

$strQuery				= "SELECT * FROM Comments ORDER BY DATE_FORMAT( `dtAdded`, '%B%d,%Y' ) DESC LIMIT 3";
$queryGetComments			= db_query($strQuery);



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So I tried the code posted above and it doesn't seem to be working.  This is my full query.

$Bad_Words = "crap";

	$strQuery				= "select * from Comments where Message != Bad_Words order by dtAdded desc";
	$queryGetComments		= db_query($strQuery);



Any ideas?

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$Bad_Words = "crap";

	$strQuery	 = "select * from Comments where Message != $Bad_Words order by dtAdded desc";
	$queryGetComments = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());


and let me know what you get

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Ok here it is:



				if (db_num_rows($queryGetComments) > 0) {
                                while ($objRow = db_fetch_object($queryGetComments)) {
								$intArticleID	= intval($objRow->intID);
                                    $intID	= stripslashes($objRow->intID);
                                    $Message	= stripslashes($objRow->Message);
                                    $Category	= stripslashes($objRow->Category);
								$dtAdded	= stripslashes($objRow->dtAdded);


                                    if (strlen($Message) > 252) {
                                        $Message	= substr($Message, 0, 252) . " ";
<?php echo $Message; ?>
...<a href='detail.php?id=<?php echo $intArticleID; ?>'>read full email</a>
                } else {
<div id="errornoproducts">No emails at this time. Check back soon!</div>



Controller File


define("STR_RELATIVE_PATH", "");
define("STR_CURRENT_SECTION", "home");

require STR_RELATIVE_PATH . "_includes/_common_data.php";
require STR_RELATIVE_PATH . "_includes/_database.php";


$Bad_Words = "crap";

	$strQuery	 = "select * from Comments where Message != $Bad_Words order by dtAdded desc";
	$queryGetComments = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());



Thanks in advance!



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OK I think I might have been wrong about that error I went back to my original code with your last suggestion and i'm getting this error.



Unknown column 'crap' in 'where clause'


With this being the query.

$Bad_Words = "crap";

	$strQuery	 = "select * from Comments where Message != $Bad_Words order by dtAdded desc";
	$queryGetComments = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());


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okay i think that it might be because i forgot to put quotes around the variable...try this

$Bad_Words = "crap";

	$strQuery	 = "select * from Comments where Message != '$Bad_Words' order by dtAdded desc";
	$queryGetComments = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());

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im guessing that your message has multiple words..in this case it will still show everything....lets say your message is something like.  "Test Message, crap".....that entire message does not equal "crap" even though it has the word in it...make sense?

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Ok got it, we are supposed to be used NOT LIKE instead of LIKE.  Your last suggestion was close.  So the query looks like this now and it works.


$Bad_Words = "crap";

	$strQuery = "select * from Comments where Message NOT LIKE '%$Bad_Words%' order by dtAdded desc";
	$queryGetComments = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());


Thanks for all your help.


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Ok so I thought I had it but not so much.  It works with just one word (crap), if I add more then one word (crap,suck) then it doesn't work.  Any ideas??  Here is the full query..

$Bad_Words = "crap";

	$strQuery = "select * from Comments where Message NOT LIKE '%$Bad_Words%' order by dtAdded desc";
	$queryGetComments = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());



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i found this code from a website...looks to be what you need...will need to change the query to NOT LIKE and the var values

$keywords= array("big","blue","sky");
$keycount= count($keywords);
for ($i=0; $i<$keycount; $i++)
$sql = "select * from ` domains ` where ` keyword ` like ' % " . $keywords [ $i ] . " % ' ";
$list = mysql_query($sql);
while ($lst = mysql_fetch_array($list))
{ ... }

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a quick/dirty solution:


don't do anything in your select... just get the recordset and pos-process it in php... in your case something like this:


  $badwords = array('/ bad1 /', 
                    '/ bad2 /', 
                    '/ bad3 /');  // this is the array of your bad-words ... could be a separate file for better maintenance

   $replace_with = ' ***** ';  // if you need to write something instead of the bad-words.

   $strQuery = "SELECT * FROM $table ORDER BY dtAdded DESC";  // replace $table with your table name
   $queryGetComments = mysql_query($strQuery) or die(mysql_error());

  // add any validation that you need

  while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($queryGetComments) {
      // anything you need here...
      echo preg_replace($badwords, $replace_with , $row['comment-column']);  // replace 'comment-column' with your comment column.. using echo only for testing purposes.

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